Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua


Tītoki Point, a country garden. Image - Fiona Henderson

Tītoki Point, a country garden. Image - Fiona Henderson

In gardens, home orchards, and areas modified by humans

There are eight different soft scale insects here:

<em>Ceroplastes sinensis</em>. Left: immatures: 2nd-instars (white) and 3rd-instars (pink). Right: adult females; they have

Ceroplastes sinensis Del Guercio

Chinese wax scale

<em>Coccus hesperidum</em>. Left: immature and young adult females. Right: two adult females and immature females.

Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus

Soft brown scale

<em>Coccus longulus</em>. Young adult female, on stem of citrus. She is facing head to the right and her two eye spots are small black dots, one on either side.

Coccus longulus (Douglas)

Long brown scale

<em>Parasaissetia nigra</em>. Two adult females and some settled crawlers (pale yellow-green). [Photo: DSIR].

Parasaissetia nigra (Nietner)

Nigra scale

<em>Pulvinaria hydrangeae</em>. adult female, with her long white eggsac and the young crawlers hatching out of it.

Pulvinaria hydrangeae Steinweden

Cottony hydrangea scale

<em>Pulvinaria mesembryanthemi</em>

Pulvinaria mesembryanthemi (Vallot)

Ice plant scale

<em>Saissetia coffeae</em>. Left: immature and young adult females. Right: mature female.

Saissetia coffeae (Walker)

Hemispherical scale

<em>Saissetia oleae</em>. Left: immature female. Right: mature female.

Saissetia oleae (Olivier)

Olive scale or black scale