Induced rare ecosystems

These are ecosystems that have become uncommon due to human activities, in contrast to New Zealand’s naturally uncommon ecosystems. The term ‘induced’ refers to the degree of vegetation loss. It does not refer to vegetation that has been induced by human activity (e.g. grey scrub, alluvial kanuka forest, plants communities on brick walls etc).
Note: These pages are under construction. Neither the list of ecosystems nor the information resources should be considered complete. Please contact us if you would like to add a resource to this page.
Relevant classifications
Policy documents
Ecosystem specific information |
Forests | |
Coastal forests | Auckland Regional Council: Coastal Forest factsheet |
Forest fragments | Auckland Regional Council: Forest fragment factsheet |
Environment Waikato: Forest fragment factsheet | |
Canterbury University Research Programme | |
University of Otago Research Programme | |
Lowland riverine systems and adjacent forests | Silver pine-mountain celery pine forest |
Kauri forest | Kauri fact sheet (Dept. of Conservation) |
Waipoua Forest factsheet (Dept. of Conservation) | |
Trounson Kauri Park factsheet (Dept. of Conservation) | |
Kauri-Softwood-Hardwoods Beeches [sensu Nicholls 1977] | |
Dense podocarp forest including tall matai, totara and kahikatea | |
Hall’s totara forest (as a result of logging and more recently large-scale dieback due to possum browse) | |
Kahikatea Swamp Forest | Environment Waikato: factsheet |
Wetlands | |
Research Programmes | Maintaining and restoring wetlands project |
General Factsheets: | Auckland Regional Council wetland pages |
Kahikatea Swamp Forest | Environment Waikato: factsheet |
Floodplain wetlands | |
Drylands | |
Research programmes | Restoring dryland biodiversity through woody dominance |
Dunelands (included in historically rare ecosystems) | |
Braided River Ecosystems (included in historically rare ecosystems) |
Selected References (largely incomplete)
Park, G.; Walls, G. 1978. Inventory of Tall Forest Stands on Lowland Plains and Terraces in Nelson and Marlborough Land Districts, New Zealand. Botany Division, D.S.I.R. 127p.
Singers, N. 2007. An Overview of Habitat types and Significant Sites in Tongariro.
Walls, G., Simpson, P., Eade, N. 2005. South Marlborough Significant Natural Areas Project - A Summary of Results fromk an Ecological Survey of Significant Natural Areas on Private Land in Marlborough, South of the Wairau River. Marlborough District Council, Blenheim. 81p.
Walls, G., Simpson, P. Tasman District Biodiversity Overview - Review of Indigenous Ecosystems on Private Land in Tasman District and Opportunities for Protection. Tasman District Council, Richmond. 93p.
Numerous PNAP survey reports.
Numerous district inventories of reserves.