NZFUNGI - New Zealand Fungi (and Bacteria)

NZFUNGI (New Zealand Fungi and Bacteria) provides online access to:
- New Zealand Fungal and Plant Disease Collection (PDD) - dried specimens
- International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants (ICMP) - living cultures of fungi and plant associated bacteria
- Taxonomic information and New Zealand presence/absence status of important fungi, plant associated bacteria and viruses
- Relevant literature references with content indexed against host/pathogen
- On-line descriptions, images and identification keys to many taxa
There are two ways to access the NZFungi database.
- NZFungi2 - a database providing access to an up-to-date catalogue to all of the fungi, plant pathogenic bacteria and plant viruses reported from New Zealand, together with nomenclatural, bibliographic and descriptive information on those organisms
- NZFungi - The original NZFungi database, with legacy web page structure, and last updated in May 2011.