NZ Colony Loss Survey

Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research conducts the New Zealand Colony Loss Survey on behalf of the beekeeping industry and MPI. The 2018 survey is now complete and over 3,600 beekeepers have responded to provide information about the health of their bees and relevant management practices.
The survey aims to:
- Provide feedback so that New Zealand beekeepers can compare their own experiences with national and international information
- Explore new insights about potential causes of losses and ways to prevent them
- Provide an evidence base with accurate facts and data to inform industry and government
- Form a framework for building a long term picture of annual or seasonal trends in colony losses
Many thanks to all of the beekeepers who responded and provided us with information. We have conducted the draw for smoko-break vouchers and the winners have been notified.
Survey Results
The first NZ Colony Loss Survey was completed in 2015 and it was refined and repeated in 2016 and again in 2017. Data is reported by operation size class and by region (for operators with 250+ hives) and is completely anonymous. Survey results are shared with beekeepers and the 2015, 2016 and 2017 survey data is available below.
Results from the 2018 Survey will be available on line in February and all those who responded will be advised.