Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

What is the age of primary decision maker?

Data by primary land use

Primary land use N mean sd min median max
sheep and/or beef 694 56.65 10.25 24 58 86
dairy 327 52.07 9.45 28 52 79
deer & other stock 54 56.81 8.78 31 57.5 76
hort & vit 167 60.47 8.84 34 61 87
arable 47 54.62 10.56 34 56 80
forestry 124 60.42 8.7 31 60 84
dairy support 70 56.96 10.75 36 56.5 83
other 81 58.83 8.94 40 57 77
Total 1,564 56.47 10.1 24 57 87

Data by region

Region N mean sd min median max
Auckland 48 58.19 10.11 33 56 79
Bay of Plenty 84 58.44 9.134 36 58 82
Canterbury 278 55.47 9.628 25 56 80
Gisborne 38 59.39 8.894 36 61.5 77
Hawke's Bay 131 56.35 10.32 26 57 80
Marlborough 89 58.38 9.147 37 59 80
Manuwatu-Whanganui 104 56.15 11.17 30 57 86
Northland 83 58.96 8.741 39 59 83
Otago 200 55.17 10.66 29 56 87
Southland 134 53.21 10.94 28 52 77
Tasman & Nelson 105 60.41 9.277 29 61 79
Taranaki 67 55.6 8.993 39 56 75
Waikato 116 54.95 10.93 24 55 79
Wellington 56 60.16 8.031 38 59.5 84
West Coast 31 53.35 7.923 36 52 68
Total 1,564 56.47 10.1 24 57 87