Publications And Outreach

Journal Articles
Dominati EJ, Maseyk FJF, Mackay AD, Rendel JM 2019. Farming in a changing environment: Increasing biodiversity on farm for the supply of multiple ecosystem services. Science of The Total Environment Volume 662, 20 April 2019, Pages 703-713.
Hill R, Nates-Parra G, Quezada- Euán JJG, Buchori G, LeBuhn G, Maués MM, Pert PL, Kwapong PK, Saeed S, Breslow SJ, Carneiro da Cunha M, Dicks LV, Galetto L, Gikungu M, Howlett BG, Imperatriz-Fonseca VL, Lyver PO’B, Martín-López B, Oteros-Rozas E, Potts SG, Roué M 2019. Biocultural approaches to pollinator conservation. Nature Sustainability, 2: 214–222.
Lyver PO’B, Richardson SJ, Gormley A, Timoti P, Jones CJ, Tahi BL 2018. Complementarity of indigenous and western scientific approaches for monitoring forest state. Ecological Applications. 28: 1909–1923.
Lyver POB, Timoti P, Gormley AM, Jones CJ, Richardson SJ, Tahi BL, Greenhalgh S 2017. Key Māori values strengthen the mapping of forest ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services 27(Part A): 92–102.
Mackay AD, Dominati EJ, Rendel JM, Maseyk FJF 2018. Looking to the future of land evaluation at farm scale. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 61; 1-6.
Wyse S, Wilmshurst J, Burns B, Perry G 2018. New Zealand forest dynamics: a review of past and present vegetation responses to disturbance, and development of conceptual forest models. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 42(2): 87-106. doi: 10.20417/nzjecol.42.18
Maseyk FJF, Dominati EJ, Mackay AD 2018. Change in ecosystem service provision within a lowland dairy landscape under different riparian margin scenarios. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 14: 17-31. DOI: 10.1080/21513732.2017.1411974
Maseyk FJF, Dominati EJ, Mackay AD 2018. More than a ‘nice to have’: integrating indigenous biodiversity into agroecosystems in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43(2): 3372.
Maseyk F, Dominati E, Mackay A. 2018. A case for integrating indigenous biodiversity into on-farm planning. Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 80: 55-60.
Dominati, E.J., Mackay, A. and Maseyk, F.J.F. 2018. Holistic farm planning – using an ecosystem approach to advance farm planning into the future. Occasional Report No. 31. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Jactel H, Bauhus J, Boberg J, Bonal D, Castagneyrol B, Gardiner B, Ramon Gonzalez-Olabarria J, Koricheva J, Meurisse N, Brockerhoff E 2017. Tree Diversity Drives Forest Stand Resistance to Natural Disturbances. Current Forestry Reports 2017 3: 223.
Maseyk FJF, Dominati EJ, White T, Mackay AD 2017. Farmer perspectives of the on-farm and off-farm pros and cons of planted multifunctional riparian margins. Land Use Policy Volume 61, February 2017, Pages 160-170.
Maseyk F, Dominati E, White T, Shearman D, Mackay A. 2017. Using multiple models to assess ecosystem services trade-offs from riparian margins at different scales. Land Use Policy 61: 160-170.
Brockerhoff EG, Barbaro L, Castagneyrol B, Forrester DI, Gardiner B, González Olabarria JR, Lyver POB, Meurisse N, Oxbrough A, Taki H, Thompson ID, van der Plas F, Jactel H 2017. Forest biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and the provision of ecosystem services. Biodiversity and Conservation 26(13): 3005–3035. 017 1453 2.
Greenhalgh S, Samarasinghe O, Curran Cournane F, Wright W, Brown P 2017. Using ecosystem services to underpin cost–benefit analysis: is it a way to protect finite soil resources? Ecosystem Services 27(Part A): 1–14.
Timoti P, Lyver POB, Matamua R, Jones CJ, Tahi BL 2017. A representation of a Tuawhenua worldview guides environmental conservation. Ecology and Society 22(4): 20. 09768 220420.
Lyver PO’B, Timoti P, Jones CJ, Richardson SJ, Tahi BL, Greenhalgh S 2017. An indigenous community-based monitoring system for assessing forest health in New Zealand. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26(13): 3183–3212.
Maseyk FJK, Mackay AD, Possingham HP, Dominati EJ, Buckley YM 2016. Managing natural capital stocks for the provision of ecosystem services. Conservation Letters. doi:10.1111/conl.12242
Díaz S, Demissew S, Carabias J, Joly C, Lonsdale M, Ash N, Larigauderie A, Adhikari JR, Arico S, Báldi A, Bartuska A, Baste IA, Bilgin A, Brondizio E, Chan KMA, Figueroa VE, Duraiappah A, Fischer M, Hill R, Koetz T, Leadley P, Lyver P, et al. 2015. The IPBES conceptual framework – connecting nature and people. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 14: 1–16. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2014.11.002
Greenhalgh S, Hart G 2015. Mainstreaming ecosystem services into policy and decision-making: New Zealand’s story. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services and Management 11(3):205–215. doi: 10.1080/21513732.2015.1042523
Macfadyen S, Tylianakis JM, Letourneau DK, Benton TG, Tittonell P, Perring MP, Gómez-Creutzberg C, Báldi A, Holland JM, Broadhurst L, Okabe K, Renwick AR, Gemmill-Herren B, Smith HG 2015. The role of food retailers in improving resilience in global food supply. Global Food Security 7: 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.gfs.2016.01.001
Morgan FJ, Brown P, Daigneault AJ 2015. Simulation vs definition: differing approaches to setting probabilities for agent behaviour. Land 4(4): 914–937. doi:10.3390/land4040914
Morgan F, Daigneault A 2015. Estimating impacts of climate change policy on land use: an agent-based modelling approach. PLOS ONE 10(5): e0127317. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127317
Robb M, Awatere S, Harmsworth G, Mackey L 2015. Bicultural methods for biodiversity measurement and monitoring: Te Uri o Hau framework and model for achieving biodiversity outcomes in the Kaipara. Landcare Research contract Report No LC2337. 58 p. (Not publically available).
IPBES 2015. Update on the work of the task force on indigenous and local knowledge systems (deliverable 1(c)). Information Document for the IPBES Plenary, Intergovernmental Science‑Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Bonn, Germany, 59 p. Published.
Lyver PO 2015. Global Dialogue Workshop Indigenous and Local Knowledge of Pollination and Pollinators associated with Food Production. A report for NZ National Commission for UNESCO, Wellington. 18 p. Published
Book and book chapters
Dominati EJ, Mackay AD, Rendel J 2016. How soil’s contribution to ecosystem services provision can inform farm system analysis for better soil security. Global soil security, Springer Field D, Morgan CL, McBratney AB (Eds.). ISBN 978-3-319-43394-3
Doherty J, Tumarae‑Teka K (compiled with support from Lyver PO'B) 2015. New Zealand ‑ Māori and Pollination. Pp: 27‑37. In: Indigenous and Local Knowledge about Pollination and Pollinators associated with Food Production Outcomes from the Global Dialogue Workshop. Lyver P, Perez E, Carneiro da Cunha M, Roué M (eds), Panama, 1‑5 December 2014. Paris, UNESCO. 106 p.‑Pollinators_Panama_Workshop.pdf
Lyver P, Perez E, Carneiro da Cunha M, Roué M ed. 2015. Indigenous and local knowledge about pollination and pollinators associated with food production: outcomes from the Global Dialogue Workshop, Panama, 1–5 December 2014. Paris, UNESCO. 106 p.‑Pollinators_Panama_Workshop.pdf
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With the exception of logos, trademarks and images the following downloadable symposium presentations, conference presentations, and newsletters are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 NZ licence. You are free to copy and distribute but not adapt the work, as long as you attribute the work to Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research or relevant lead author’s organisation. To view a copy of this licence, visit
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Link Seminars
Gómez-Creutzberg C, Tylianakis JM, Greenhalgh S. 2018. Synergies between land use and biodiversity: an ecosystem services view. 16 August 2018. Wellington.
Lyver P, Timoti P. 2018. Te weu o te kaitiaki: A bicultural forest monitoring and reporting system. 13 March 2018. Wellington
Lyver P, Timoti P 2017. Te weu o te kaitiaki: The roots of the guardian (Tuawhenua world view). 15 November 2017. Wellington.
Greenhalgh S, Morgan F 2016. What’s BEST? Building biodiversity into an ecosystem service-based approach for resource management. 23 November 2016. Wellington
BEST symposium. May 2019. Symposium presentations and overview are found here.
Selected Conference Presentations
Dominati EJ, Mackay AD, Maseyk FJF 2018. Holistic farm planning – using an ecosystem approach to advance farm planning into the future. Pp. 7 in: Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre Conference, Currie, L. D.; Christensen, C. L. eds. Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre,
Morgan F 2017. Agent-based modelling Forum. San Diego, USA. April 2017.
Morgan F, Greenhalgh S 2017. Ecosystem service approaches to sustainably manage terrestrial landscapes. Oceania Ecosystem Services Forum. 27-30 March 2017. Brisbane, Australia.
Greenhalgh S, Dominati E 2016. Ecosystem service approaches to sustainably manage terrestrial landscapes. International Society of Ecology Economics Conference, Washington DC, 26-29 June 2016.
Dominati EJ, Mackay A, Rendel JM, Smale PM 2016. Looking to the future of land evaluation for farm system design. In Soils, A balancing act down under. NZSSS/SSA, 12–16 Dec. 2016, Queenstown.
Greenhalgh S 2015. Moving economic drivers from loss to gain. Environmental Defence Society conference 12-13 August 2015, Auckland. [Session 7]
Dominati EJ, Mackay AD 2015. Linking changes in soil natural capital to the performance of ecosystem services delivery to inform investment for resource management. Invited plenary presented at the Global Soil Security Symposium, May 19-21, College station, TX USA.
Greenhalgh S, Dominati E 2016. Ecosystem service approaches to sustainably manage terrestrial landscapes. International Society of Ecology Economics Conference, Washington DC, 26-29 June 2016.
Greenhalgh S 2015. A framework for assessing the role of biodiversity in ecosystem services in New Zealand. New Zealand Ecological Society Conference, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 16–19 November 2015
Awatere S 2015. Bicultural methods for biodiversity measurement and monitoring. New Zealand Ecological Society Conference, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 16–19 November 2015.
Brockerhoff E, Meurisse N, Jactel H, Kimberley M 2015 Does biodiversity confer resistances to biological invasions? New Zealand Ecological Society Conference, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 16–19 November 2015.
Maseyk F, Mackay A, Dominati E, White T, Shearman D 2015 How do riparian margins provide multiple ecosystem services in farming landscapes? New Zealand Ecological Society Conference, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 16–19 November 2015.
Dominati E, Mackay A, Rendel J 2015. Role of biodiversity in the resilience of farm systems. How do riparian margins provide multiple ecosystem services in farming landscapes? New Zealand Ecological Society Conference, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 16–19 November 2015. (invited presentation for BEST session as it aligns with future research area)
Tylianakis JM 2014. Spanning the divide between conservation and agriculture. Invited presentation at an OECD-CRP sponsored conference held in Brisbane, Australia, 2-4 November 2014: “Mitigation strategies to halt the decline of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, and contribute to agricultural productivity"
Lyver P 2015. Tūhoe Tauwhenua contribute to a global biodiversity initiative. Te Kaahu o Tuawhenua 9: 10-11.
Timoti P 2015. A bicultural system for measuring and monitoring biodiversity in the Tuawhenua and Whirinaki forests. Te Kaahu o Tuawhenua 9: 10–11.