Our stakeholders

Image – CMS Team
We identify our external stakeholders as the agencies and sectors that:
- represent our ‘owners’ expectations
- commission and fund our research
- use outputs of our work
- collaborate with us on research and knowledge transfer
- share our values in promoting sustainable development and corporate social responsibility
- have the potential to significantly impact on our licence to operate
- represent tangata whenua
Timely, tailored knowledge and technology transfer are vital to ensuring end-users effectively take up and apply our research outputs.
Our most significant stakeholder partners are members of the Natural Resources Sector in central and local government: the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), the Ministry for the Environment (MfE), the Department of Conservation (DOC) and regional councils; and to a lesser extent Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) and Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK). Another key partner is TBfree New Zealand (a subsidiary and programme within OSPRI), with whom we partner on a range of research of relevance to both primary industry and the conservation sector. While we work directly with businesses in the certification programmes run by Enviro-Mark Solutions, strategic engagement with the private sector is mostly through industry bodies such as BusinessNZ, the Sustainable Business Council and primary sector groups such as DairyNZ, Beef+Lamb New Zealand, Fonterra, the Foundation for Arable Research (FAR), the Fertiliser Association of New Zealand (FANZ), IrrigationNZ and ZESPRI. Increasingly, we work directly with industry on specific issues – our science supports the Government’s Business Growth Agenda, including the sustainable use of New Zealand’s natural asset base.
As tangata whenua, Māori are important stakeholders and research partners – in addition to our contribution to Vision Mātauranga, we participate in regular meetings, hui and capability-building initiatives with collaborating iwi.
Our National Outcomes, Impacts and science Portfolios have all been developed with considerable input from the relevant stakeholders who have helped develop the science priorities addressed by our Portfolios and who will co-invest in the science.
Our staff are our internal stakeholders and are, of course, vitally important. More about our staff can be found in the Our People section.