FNZ 23 - Dolichopodidae (Insecta: Diptera) - Checklist of Taxa
Bickel, DJ 1992. Sciapodinae, Medeterinae (Insecta: Diptera) with a generic review of the Dolichopodidae. Fauna of New Zealand 23, 74 pages.
ISSN 0111-5383 (print),
ISBN 0-477-02627-3 (print),
Published 13 Jan 1992
ZooBank: http://zoobank.org/References/E732CABA-8771-4F37-8B28-B4FF68B170E9
Checklist of Taxa
Valid generic and specific names are in bold italic type.
Synonomous generic and specific names immediately follow valid names, and are in italic type.
Apterachalcus new genus (note)
Genus Parentia Hardy, 1935
anomalicosta new species
aotearoa new species
argentifrons new species
calignosa new species
chathamensis new species
cilifoliata (Parent, 1933)
defecta new species
fuscata (Hutton, 1901)
huttoni Parent, 1933 new synonymy
gemmata (Walker, 1849)
griseicollis (Becker, 1924)
subnigrum Becker, 1924 new synonymy
insularis new species
johnsi new species
lyra new species
magniseta new species
malitiosa (Hutton, 1901)
villanum Parent, 1933 new synonymy
milleri (Parent, 1933)
mobile (Hutton, 1901)
modesta (Parent, 1933)
nova (Parent, 1933)
pukakiensis new species
recticosta (Parent, 1933)
restricta (Hutton, 1901)
dichaetum Parent, 1933 new synonymy
schlingeri new species
titirangi new species
tonnoiri (Parent, 1933)
varifemorata new species
whirinaki new species
Naufraga new genus
hexachaeta (Parent, 1933) new combination
Genus Austrosciapas Bickel, in press
proximus (Parent, 1928)
Genus Thrypticus Gerstaecker, 1864
arahakiensis new species