Further Reading

Woolly nightshade lace bug adults overwintering in dead and dying leaves. Image - Andrew Blayney
Bellgard S, Probst C, Winks C, Fowler S2015. Feasibility study for the biological control of giant buttercup Ranunculus acris L. Landcare Research Contract Report LC2066prepared for AgResearch. 21p.
Bellgard S, Winks C, Probst C, Anand N,Fowler S, Smith L, Peterson P 2015. Invertebrates, fungal pathogens and endophytes associated with giant buttercup, Ranunculus acris (Ranunculaceae), in New Zealand. Landcare Research Contract Report LC2039 prepared for AgResearch. 31p.
Fowler S, Peterson P, Barrett P, Forgie S, Gleeson D, Harman H, Houliston G, Smith L 2015. Investigating the poor performance of heather beetle, Lochmaea suturalis (Thompson) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), as a weed biocontrol agent in New Zealand: has genetic bottle necking resulted in small body size and poor winter survival? Biological Control 87: 32–38.
Houliston G, Goeke D, Smith L, Fowler S2015. The genetic variation in giant buttercup in New Zealand pastures. New Zealand Plant Protection 68: 112–117.
Groenteman R, Bellgard S, Houliston G 2015. Feasibility of biological control for lesser calamint, Calaminth nepeta. Landcare Research Contract Report LC2223 prepared for the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (Envirolink Advice Grant: 1538-HBRC205).23p.
Paynter Q 2014. Biological control of economically and environmentally important weeds in the Cook Islands: New Zealand Partnerships for International Development Fund Project PF 1-314. Quarterly Progress Report: July 2014. Landcare Research Contract Report LC1953 prepared for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 14p.
Paynter Q 2015. Biological control of economically and environmentally important weeds in the Cook Islands: New Zealand Partnerships for International Development Fund Project PF 1-314. Annual report prepared for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 16p.
Paynter Q, Bellgard S, Houliston G, Goeke D, Padamsee M, Probst C, Winks C, 2015. Biological control of economically and environmentally important weeds in the Cook Islands: New Zealand Partnerships for International Development Fund Project PF 1-314. Quarterly Progress Report: January 2015. Landcare Research Contract Report LC1953 prepared for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 69p.
Paynter Q, Bellgard S, Houliston G, Goeke D, Padamsee M, Probst C, Winks C, 2015. Biological control of economically and environmentally important weeds in the Cook Islands: New Zealand Partnerships for International Development Fund Project PF 1-314. Quarterly Progress Report: April 2015. Landcare Research Contract Report LC2187 prepared for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 12p.
Paynter Q, Fowler S, Hayes L, Hill R 2015. Factors affecting the cost of weed biocontrol programs in New Zealand. Biological Control 80: 119–127.
Paynter Q, Fowler S, Gourlay H, Peterson P, Smith L, Winks C 2015. Relative performance on test and target plants in laboratory tests predicts the risk of non-target attack in the field for arthropod weed biocontrol agents. Biological Control 80:133–142.
Peterson P, Fowler S, Barrett D, Smith L, Merrett M, Forgie S, Gleeson D, Houliston G, Hayman E 2015. Biological control of heather (Calluna vulgaris): Re-introduction of the heather beetle (Lochmaea suturalis) into New Zealand. Landcare Research Contract Report LC2228 prepared for the NZ Defence Force and the Department of Conservation. 57p.
Winks C, Bellgard S, Smith L, Anand N, Probst C, Peterson P, Hoyer A 2014. Invertebrates and fungi associated with field horsetail, Equisetum arvense (Equisetaceae), in New Zealand. Landcare Research Contract Report LC2012 prepared for NZ Landcare Trust (on behalf of the Lower Rangitikei Horsetail Control Group). 27p.