Weed Biocontrol Issue 85

In this issue

Solving Pampas Puzzles
The work to determine if there are suitable biocontrol agents for pampas continues to encounter some intriguing challenges, but the picture is gradually becoming a little clearer.

Preventing Lesser Calamint from Becoming a Greater Problem
A Sustainable Farming Fund grant is providing the opportunity for a new biocontrol project to get underway for lesser calamint (Calamintha nepeta), an emerging weed on the east coast of the North Island.

New Project for Vanuatu
Like most Pacific islands, Vanuatu has its share of undesirable invasive weeds, which have an impact on agricultural and horticultural activities, threaten biodiversity, and create human and animal health issues.

Spring Activities
Most biocontrol agents become active during spring, making it a busy time of year to check release sites and move agents around.

Who’s Who in Biological Control of Weeds?
Update on status of current biocontrol agents

New Release of Identification Key for New Zealand Weeds
This Lucid 3 key is for the identification of more than 650 weeds (species, subspecies, varieties, hybrids and cultivars).

Biocontrol Agents Released in 2017/18
92 biocontrol agents were released in 2017/18