Stakeholder feedback
This programme has been fantastic for us, for our community and catchment. We’ve learnt to talk to each other rather than past each other. It doesn’t stop here though and the ideas from this relatively small area are spreading to other places.
Neil Deans
Fish and Game New Zealand
Previously a lot of New Zealand science has been single issue and isolated from real life but this programme has been in the community and we have benefitted hugely.
Rob Smith
Tasman District Council
Motueka is attempting to be truly integrative, in spite of the fact that the catchment is extremely complicated. You have made a wonderful start and i am particularly impressed with the way that you have involved the diverse stakeholders.i believe that the lessons that you are learning from the Motueka ICM are very transferrable throughout New Zealand and internationally.
Gene Likens
Institute of Ecosystem Studies, United States
ICM work is helping to inform discussions about resolving the competing interests of mussel farmers and fishermen. We have information which backs up our limited experience of when mussels will be in the best condition for harvesting. This is a great help for long-term forecasting. We have developed harvesting criteria based on Motueka river flow which ensures that harvested shellfish are free from disease-causing bacteria. ICM science sits under all of this.
John Wilson
Mussel farm consultant and mussel farmer
Iwi started out wanting to improve the quality of the river, to recognise their kaitiaki status and develop their matauranga in a recognised way. The programme has been a great success. Particularly, the gis work and the cultural indices have been a great success for iwi.
Dean Walker
Tiakina Te Taiao
It’s been really positive working with all the different people. The community has come together a lot and there’s been a meeting of minds.
Barbara Stuart
NZ Landcare Trust