Kararehe Kino / Animal Pest Research Newsletter

Kararehe Kino / Vertebrate Pest Research is a newsletter that covers research undertaken by Landcare Research and collaborators on a wide suite of vertebrate pests managed by many of our readers. The research aims to provide timely, cost-effective and publicly acceptable vertebrate pest management. The newsletter is produced about every 6 months and seeks to keep readers better informed on the progress and outcomes of research. Issues 1-28 can be dowloaded as a PDF, and Issues 17 onwards are available in HTML format.
Available issues

Kararehe Kino - Animal Pest Research Issue 33
In this issue: Predator-Free New Zealand

Kararehe Kino - Animal Pest Research Issue 32
Ecology typically involves trying to make sense of a complex system. A wide variety of quantitative modelling approaches are available to help with this, and this issue of Kararehe Kino presents a sample of these methods and how they can be applied to various wildlife management issues.

Kararehe Kino - Animal Pest Research Issue 31
To reflect the wider scope and context of our contemporary research, which includes work on wasps and other invasive invertebrates and their impacts, Kararehe Kino's subtitle is now ‘Animal Pest Research’.

Kararehe Kino Issue 30
Emerging and neglected pests. Across the history of colonisation, humankind brought 32 terrestrial mammal species to Aotearoa, alien to this land, that managed to establish self-sustaining populations. We are still discovering new ones to this day.

Kararehe Kino — Vertebrate Pest Research Issue 29
May 2017
Issue 29 of Kararehe Kino / Vertebrate Pest Research focuses on high tech solutions to pest control problems.

Kararehe Kino — Vertebrate Pest Research Issue 28
November 2016
This issue focuses on research and work carried out with Regional Councils in New Zealand particuarly in the role of managing pest animals.

Kararehe Kino — Vertebrate Pest Research Issue 27
March 2016
This issue focuses on research targeted at eradication of bovine tuberculosis in New Zealand, particularly on the role that possums and other feral animals play in the spread of this disease.

Kararehe Kino — Vertebrate Pest Research Issue 26
August 2015
The importance of wildlife diseases goes far beyond the threat to people and their livelihoods, as this issue of Kararehe Kino demonstrates. New Zealand’s native biodiversity is also under significant threat from pathogens.

Kararehe Kino — Vertebrate Pest Research Issue 25
March 2015
Research uptake and impact
In this issue of Kararehe Kino, our scientists highlight some recent examples of research that have helped our stakeholders improve their management of pest animals – and ultimately, helped halt the decline of New Zealand’s native biodiversity and increase agricultural production.

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research Issue 24
June 2014
Engaging Society in Pest Management
In this issue of Kararehe Kino, a series of articles are presented that reflect the many facets of public engagement, and how research can help.

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 23
February 2014
Animal Movements
Features examples of the six main areas where research to improve information on animal movements will aid pest management outcomes.

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 22
July 2013
Pest control technologies for a predator-free New Zealand
Provides a wider appreciation of the pest control technology initiatives being investigated by Landcare Research: initiatives that could ultimately contribute towards a ‘Predator-Free New Zealand’.

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 21
January 2013
How science can contribute to a pest-free NZ

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 20
July 2012
Community Conservation
There is an extraordinary diversity of community-led conservation and restoration projects underway in New Zealand. This issue of Kararehe Kino features aspects of vertebrate pest research in these settings.

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 19
December 2011
Overseas Research
Highlights research carried out overseas, assisting invasive species management programmes with new and improved management strategies, tools and techniques.

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 18
June 2011
Drylands Edition
This issue of Kararehe Kino highlights some of the recent vertebrate pest research in drylands.

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 17
February 2011
Modelling Edition
Modelling is an indispensable tool for ecological sciences and this issue highlights research where modelling is utlised to understand and explain field or laboratory observations and to make predictions about how systems respond.

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 16
June 2010
Pest Technologies Edition

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 15
December 2009
Orongorongo Valley Edition

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 14
June 2009
Special Edition on 1080: Reduce, Refine, Replace

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 13
December 2008

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 12
June 2008

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 11
December 2007

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 10
June 2007

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 9
December 2006

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 8
June 2006

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 7
December 2005

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 6
June 2005

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 5
December 2004

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 4
June 2004

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 3
March 2004

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 2
June 2003

Kararehe Kino - Vertebrate Pest Research, Issue 1
December 2002
Register for Kararehe Kino alerts
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News
No longer produced. Back issues of He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News only.
Available issues
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 17
(PDF File, 452.4 KB)
June 2002
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 16
(PDF File, 343.2 KB)
December 2001
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 15
(PDF File, 668.3 KB)
June 2001
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 14
(PDF File, 786.0 KB)
November 2000
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 13
(PDF File, 795.2 KB)
May 2000
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 12
(PDF File, 660.9 KB)
December 1999
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 11
(PDF File, 1.4 MB)
May 1999
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 10
(PDF File, 1.2 MB)
December 1998
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 9
(PDF File, 1000.9 KB)
June 1998
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 8
(PDF File, 2.5 MB)
January 1998
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 7
(PDF File, 2.8 MB)
July 1997
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 6
(PDF File, 2.7 MB)
March 1997
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 5
(PDF File, 2.7 MB)
October 1996
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 4
(PDF File, 2.9 MB)
April 1996
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 3
(PDF File, 2.9 MB)
October 1995
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 2
(PDF File, 2.8 MB)
March 1995
He Kōrero Paihama – Possum Research News Issue 1
(PDF File, 2.6 MB)
December 1994