Freshwater invertebrate CD

Fringed gill mayfly. Image - Stephen Moore
The CD contains over 500 high resolution (AutoMontage) images in PowerPoint format, featuring the vast majority of taxa (150 or so genera) that you're likely to find (and quite a few rarities).
It's designed to help inexperienced biologists, from school level to professionals, by showing the features referred to in scientific keys (making invertebrate identifications a whole lot easier).
Freshwater invertebrates are used by many organisations as indicators of water and habitat quality. Regional Councils, some City/District Councils and many environmental groups use them as indicators in "state of environment" surveys. The Department of Conservation use them in various types of resource assessments and environmental education programmes. Developers and their consultants use them in "assessments of environmental effects" relating to proposed urban development. Resource consent holders (industries and local authorities) and their consultants use them in "consent compliance" monitoring programmes. Anglers look at stream invertebrates when deciding which flies/lures to use. All of these groups need to know what they're looking at and this CD will certainly help.
If you're intetrested, the CD can be ordered from Grace Hall at a cost of $100 +GST. The CD comes with the usual copyright "do not copy", but use of the images in PowerPoint presentations, (with acknowledgement of Landcare Research) is fine.