Key to willow species and hybrids present in New Zealand

This Lucid 3 interactive key will allow you to identify willows that are wild and in cultivation in New Zealand.
David Glenny and Trevor Jones
This key is illustrated with more than 2000 images of willow species and hybrids that are either wild or in cultivation in New Zealand, and the features that are used to identify them. Most illustrations are of willow clones grown in the national willow collection in Palmerston North maintained by Plant and Food NZ.
The key is designed for those with some experience in plant identification, and some features will need at least a strong hand lens (10x or better) to see features such as stamen filament hairs. It will be of use to bee-keepers, farmers with an interest in growing willows as bee food, and conservation estate managers who need to identify willows in the wild.
Writing of this key was funded by the Sustainable Farming Fund, Trees for Bees NZ, the Willow and Poplar Trust, Plant and Food NZ, and Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research.
We welcome comments and corrections to the key. Please use the email contact below.
How to cite:
Glenny D, Jones T, 2019. Key to willow species and hybrids present in New Zealand.
Accessed at
Date of access: 26 Mar 2025