Sector-based carbon footprinting for products and services

With people around the world having a greater interest in where products come from and the impact of their purchases on the planet, climate change and carbon footprints are becoming increasingly important to consumers and retailers. Since early 2008 there has been growing interest in GHG footprinting. Governments, retailers, consumers, supply chain partners, and NGOs are all becoming increasingly involved.
In a growing number of key markets for New Zealand businesses expectations have increased that products found in stores have sustainability credentials that can be verified, e.g. how much carbon was used to produce the product.
We have undertaken projects investigating carbon/greenhouse gas footprinting methodologies and reduction strategies for some of New Zealand’s largest exporting industries including kiwifruit, wine, and pipfruit. More recently, Landcare Research has completed the first New Zealand investigation.
The benefits of Greenhouse Gas footprinting include:
- improved relationships with suppliers and customers;
- maintaining and/or enhancing access in environmentally sensitive markets;
- developing a better understanding of the environmental impacts, risks and liabilities associated with a product, process or service;
- identifying areas where emissions can be reduced; identifying gains in efficiency and cost savings; and
- demonstrating a commitment to tackling climate change.