Erosion and sediment processes

Erosion and sediment processes encompasses a diversity of research and consultancy projects ranging from fundamental understanding of erosion processes, landscape dynamics and response in a changing environment, erosion and sediment modelling and tools for control and mitigation of soil and land degradation.
Erosion and Sediment processes research is involved in detailed physical process studies to large–scale catchment modelling, as well as investigating how erosion processes can be modified or mitigated. Traditional techniques are used as well as research into the development of new methods such as fingerprinting the sources of sediment using tracers, and the study of sediment dynamics in the Motueka, Raglan and Waipaoa catchments.
Reseach covers all land uses. Erosion assessment and mitigation efforts are currently focussed on sediment generation in the plantation forestry estate, and bank erosion with a focus on the stabilising characteristics of plants, particularly native plants.
Our research programmes also involve examining landscape response to climate and tectonic change and reconstruction of paleo–landscapes, which includes and utilises the research aspects mentioned above.