News & events

Aug 12
New tool to benefit business, biosecurity and conservation
27 Aug 12 by Tom Fraser
Business and industry as well as biosecurity and conservation will all benefit with the launch of a new web-based register of almost 100,000 plants, animals, fungi and bacteria that are significant to New Zealand.
Aug 12
Heather beetle: a born killer
22 Aug 12
Introduction of a biocontrol agent for heather
Aug 12
Heather: the making of a weed
22 Aug 12
History of heather in New Zealand
Aug 12
Excellence in Business Support Awards
8 Aug 12 by Andrew Trevelyan
Both the carboNZero Programme, and Ann Smith, carboNZero GM Technical, are award finalists
Aug 12
Ronny Groenteman and Shaun Forgie research a potential biosecurity threat to New Zealand, the Glassy Winged Sharpshooter
Jul 12
Bruce Warburton and Sam Brown look at how they can make trapping and detection of possums more effective; that is, how can every encounter between possum and device result in a detection or a capture.
Jul 12
New insights in possum Tb transmission
29 Jul 12
Graham Nugent, Jackie Whitford, Ivor Yockney & Frank Cross look at TB transmission in possums, what we actually know, testing new models, trying to emulate 'natural' Tb, estimating how long possums will live - and why all this matters.
Jul 12
Dave Latham, Graham Nugent and Bruce Warburton discuss the huge threat posed to agriculture and environment by introduced rabbits, and why aerial poison control may be required.
Jul 12
A low-cost trap for stoats
28 Jul 12
Grant Morriss and Bruce Warburton look at modifying the Victor rat trap to effectively kill stoats & ship rats.
Jul 12
Penny Fisher, Sam Brown and Jane Arrow look at pindone residues in rabbits.