News & events

Jan 15
Coprosma key mobile app
6 Jan 15 by Murray Dawson
The first of our Landcare Research LucidMobile identification apps for smartphones/tablets has just become available.
Jan 15
Wasp biocontrol update 2
5 Jan 15 by Ronny Groenteman & Bob Brown
An update on the project investigating the biocontrol potential of promising-looking mites that were recently discovered and that appear to attack wasps.
Dec 14
Christmas shut-down
17 Dec 14
The staff at Landcare Research are away on their holidays from December 25th to January 5th and respones to issues may be delayed during this time. Enjoy your festive season.
Nov 14
Small wetlands critical for safeguarding rare & threatened plant species
21 Nov 14 by Sarah Richardson
Rare and threatened species are a common focus of natural area protection but selecting sites to protect them must be balanced against other conservation objectives.
Nov 14
Flora, fauna and fungi on the other side of our new bank notes
21 Nov 14 by Judy Grindell
New bank note designs continue to incorporate the three Kingdoms
Nov 14
South Island forests burnt within decades of human arrival
21 Nov 14 by Janet Wilmshurst
Deforestation took place within decades after initial human arrival in the drier parts of New Zealand
Nov 14
Conservation week: discover what is on your doorstep
7 Nov 14 by Peter Buchanan
Thousands of species in New Zealand are yet to be discovered. But it’s not just scientists who could uncover them. It could be you.
Nov 14
New butterfly introduced to tackle problematic weed
5 Nov 14 by Quentin Paynter
A Japanese butterfly has been introduced in New Zealand as a frontline defence against a weed threatening native plant life.
Oct 14
Animal selfies ... an effective pest monitoring strategy
30 Oct 14 by Al Glen
Currently there are few robust techniques for measuring the results of pest control targeting predatory mammals such as stoats, feral cats and hedgehogs.
Oct 14
New study reveals timing for rapid and widespread extinction of New Zealand's moa
24 Oct 14 by Janet Wilmshurst
Researchers from the University of Auckland and Landcare Research have completed a new analysis of radiocarbon dated moa remains, providing the clearest insights yet into how and when New Zealand’s iconic giant birds became extinct.