News & events

Dec 11
A recent report that Argentine ant populations are dying out is doubtful, and potentially misleading, according to scientists from Landcare Research.
Dec 11
Learn about New Zealand’s Environments – new online mapping web site
6 Dec 11 by David Medyckyj-Scott
Following on from the successful launch earlier this year of the S–Map Online web mapping web site, researchers from Landcare Research have today unveiled a new and free online mapping tool which will make it easier for businesses, government, researchers and the public to better understand the natural environments that underpin New Zealand’s economy and society.
Oct 11
Landcare Research is today celebrating the success of two scientists who are the recipients of significant grants from the Marsden Fund.
Sep 11
Researchers have unveiled a new online tool to make it easier and more effective for land managers, business, scientists and the public to better understand the soils that underpin New Zealand’s economy, land use and ecology.
Aug 11
New Zealand Virtual Herbarium launched
23 Aug 11 by Aaron Wilton
The New Zealand Virtual Herbarium has been launched by the New Zealand National Herbarium Network and provides free internet access to over 700,000 records held by 11 botanical collections from Auckland to Dunedin.
May 11
The explosion in community driven communication initiatives following February’s 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch has been highlighted through research by Crown Research Institute, Landcare Research
Dec 10
New research indicates that the speed of early forest clearance following human colonisation of the South Island of New Zealand was much faster and more intense than previously thought.
Nov 10
Children, Bees and the Trees for Bees project
11 Nov 10 by Linda Newstrom-Lloyd
Bees are the unsung heroes of the New Zealand economy and their hard work is about to come under closer scrutiny as part of a three year project to help New Zealand prevent the types of alarming losses that are happening overseas to honey bee colonies.
Oct 10
New research shows early human colonisation of East Polynesia was much faster and more recent than previously proposed, providing a robust new timing and sequence for the colonisation of the region.
Sep 10
Choosing the best methods to control possums, rats, ferrets, stoats and feral cats has been made easier with the production of a publicly available internet–based Decision Support System or ´DSSD.