News & events

Aug 13
The Trees for Bees programme
13 Aug 13 by Linda Newstrom-Lloyd
An overview of the Trees for Bees programme that sees bee friendly trees and shrubs planted on NZ farms to support our important bee population
Aug 13
Pond borders can benefit bees
2 Aug 13 by Linda Newstrom-Lloyd
Irrigation pond borders offer a great opportunity to increase biodiversity on farms without impacting on productive land, according to researchers.
Aug 13
Rabbit calicivirus - the benign and the virulent
1 Aug 13 by Janine Duckworth
Janine Duckworth and colleagues are investigating the potential problems caused by benign calicivirus, a project associated with the Invasive Animals CRC
Jul 13
Investigating wasp biocontrol
23 Jul 13 by Ronny Groenteman
A community-based group has been formed to investigate a new European wasp biocontrol programme
Jul 13
Merger creates large environmental certification business
3 Jul 13 by Tom Fraser
Landcare Research has created one of the largest certifiers for environmental credentials in New Zealand by integrating its three programmes into one subsidiary.
Jun 13
Survey: the future of primary industry in New Zealand
25 Jun 13 by Pike Brown
Landcare Research is conducting a survey on the future of primary industry in NZ, in conjunction with UMR research.
Jun 13
Biosecurity Bonanza 2013
17 Jun 13 by Lynley Hayes & Andrea Byrom
Landcare Research recently hosted their annual Biosecurity Bonanza. We hear from the organisers and participants
Jun 13
Katarina's Kete
17 Jun 13 by Katarina Tawiri
Katarina Tawiri has been documenting the weaving and fibre properties of around 50 different varieties of harakeke from the Rene Orchiston Harakeke collection, located at Lincoln
Jun 13
Protecting catchment futures — applying computer modelling for envisaging how we can manage for the future.
Jun 13
Integrated catchment management sits easily with indigenous holistic environmental world views. Building their (Maori) involvement from the beginning is integral to success.