Branded commercial services

Brushtail possum
Business and industry are increasingly demanding credible and reliable solutions to a range of environmental and biodiversity protection issues. We have continued to commercialise and extend our range of world–leading services via dedicated branded businesses in response to climate change, environmental performance, wildlife tracking, pest management and wildlife forensics.
These commercial businesses continue to be a means of rapid technology transfer in highly dynamic market and regulatory environments adding significant value to New Zealand domestic and internationally focussed businesses.
Our carboNZeroCertTM programme recognised internationally
The carboNZero programme is now operating in four countries (New Zealand, Australia, Chile and the UK). This year, we signed an international licensing agreement with Bureau Veritas – the world’s second largest certification business that manages a 5,500 client base – for the Australian market. Net revenue grew by 20% and total certifications by 51% compared with the previous year. The programme had 6.32 million tonnes of CO2e under active management (5.57 Mt CO2e in 2008/09).
CEMARS® has been recognised by the UK Environment Agency as a Carbon Trust Equivalent scheme under the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Energy Effi ciency Scheme. The recognition has been awarded for CEMARS as operated by our partner Achilles Information Limited who operate the scheme in the UK under licence to Landcare Research. Endorsement by the UK Government´s environmental regulator means that UK organisations participating in the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme now have a choice between approved providers when seeking certifi cation of reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
The carboNZero programme continues to win national accolades. It was ranked as the 11th fastest growing business in the Deloitte Top 50, won two categories in the Sustainable 60 awards, and was recognised by the Ministry for the Environment with a Green Ribbon Award for ‘its efforts in reducing greenhouse gas levels’.
Enviro–Mark®NZ achieves 40% growth
Enviro–Mark is an environmental management and certification programme. It performed well with 40% net revenue growth from last year. This year we secured the global rights and ownership of Enviro–Mark, which better positions us to strengthen and grow the programme for New Zealand businesses. We also worked with Telarc to increase the programme’s auditor capacity, and secured more uptake in the printing industry through working in partnership with PrintNZ.
EBEX21® simplifies the complex issue of carbon farming
Landcare Research set up EBEX® to facilitate land–use change, typically of marginal land, by landowners so that they can earn an income from the credits associated with regenerating native bush. In addition to emissions–offsetting, there are other environmental benefits such as biodiversity restoration, erosion control and moderation of water runoff. EBEX has focused on the PFSI as its preferred option for ensuring high quality credits that will provide better returns to landowners.
In a pilot programme with four landowners, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) is expected to approve the first EBEX credits under the PSFI – a total of 1700 ha or 5100 credits (using the MAF default sequestration rate for indigenous forests of 3 tonnes CO2e per hectare per year). Credits generated under the PFSI are Assigned Amount Units or AAUs, which are Kyoto–compliant and therefore recognised internationally.
EcoGene™ continues to grow
EcoGene provides DNA–based diagnostic services for applications in biodiversity and biosecurity. In 2009 EcoGene expanded its services to international users within Australasia and the USA. Highlights for the year include the development of four new services: murine typhus diagnostics, kiwi paternity analysis, testing for rodenticide resistance, and individual predator identification. For example, individual dogs can be identifi ed from forensic material like saliva on predated native birds (domestic dogs are responsible for many kiwi deaths).
EcoGene is now New Zealand’s core provider of wildlife forensic testing for Customs, the Department of Conservation, and MAF to help the fight against illegal trade of wildlife and biosecurity breaches.
A new genome sequencer will be operational this coming year to increase throughput and expand the suite of genetic analyses on offer.
International consultancy services for invasive species
Invasive Species International (ISI) consultancy services leverage off both New Zealand’s and Landcare Research’s reputations as leaders in pest management. Business has grown in the core markets of the Americas and Australia with a steady increase in the number of new projects secured or proposed; 19 projects were undertaken during the year. Four projects have already been secured for the 2010/11 year. Partnerships with Grupo de Ecología y Conservación de Islas (Mexico) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (Chile) were formalised. Further collaboration with the US–based not–for–profit organisation Island Conservation (IC) was a feature, with ISI providing independent advice to IC in several feasibility studies and project reviews. As a result of its activities and collaborations, ISI has emerged as a global leader in the provision of high–quality independent advice in invasive species management issues.
Sirtrack® – wildlife tracking solutions
The export–focused business experienced a tough trading year with unfavourable exchange rates and the global credit crisis affecting the funding of wildlife conservation and research projects. Despite this, Sirtrack secured three international licence agreements for new technology and completed development of a new range of superior–performing products that are also much simpler to manufacture. These are expected to replace 80% of current business over the coming year, underpinning a major shift from a technology–led to a market–led business in accordance with their three–year business transformation and development programme.