Annual Report 2016

Manaaki whenua – Manaaki tangata
(Care for the land – Care for the people)
Welcome to Landcare Research’s Annual Report for the year to 30th June 2016.
This has been a remarkable year for Landcare Research and we invite you to enjoy this annual report highlighting our performance and impact. We have seen an extraordinary development of new initiatives across the science sector – both more innovative and more collaborative than we have seen in previous years.
We have also seen growing impact achieved by the research, science, and technology done by Landcare Research; and we have continued to forge valued new relationships with stakeholders, especially Regional Councils, Māori organisations, and among the general public in New Zealand.
About Us

Landcare Research was formed in 1992 and is one of the seven current Crown research institutes (CRIs). CRIs function as independent companies but are owned by and accountable to the New Zealand Government.
National Outcomes and Impacts table

We are responsible for four National Outcomes: improved biodiversity and biosecurity; achieve sustainable land use, mitigation of greenhouse gases; and increase the ability of New Zealand industries and organisations to develop within environmental limits.
Chair and Chief Executive’s Review

An overview of progress against the major pillars of the strategy we have been implementing since 2014, which are focused on our people, our partnerships, and the impact we create through our science. Financial resilience underpins our core strategy.
Landcare Research Strategic Focus Milestones

Complex challenges face New Zealanders in managing our natural resources sustainably. We have developed a framework to assess the internal and external value of our research, to understand how we can more effectively respond to this complexity, and increase the impact of our work.
Innovation Case Studies

Landcare Research's purpose is to drive innovation in New Zealand's management of terrestrial biodiversity and land resources in order to both protect and enhance the terrestrial environment and grow New Zealand's prosperity.
Vision Mātauranga

Landcare Research’s goal is to be the preferred research and innovation partner to Māori to enhance the well-being and value of land-based natural resources.
Nationally Significant Databases and Collections

Landcare Research is committed to ensuring nationally significant databases and collections and associated services are readily available and can be used efficiently and effectively.
Non-Financial Performance: KPIs

Key performance indicators for Knowledge & technology transfer, Science excellence and People, learning & culture.
National Outcome 1: Improved Biodiversity & Biosecurity

Improve measurement, management, and protection of New Zealand’s terrestrial biodiversity, including in the conservation estate.
National Outcome 2: Sustainable Land Use

Achieve the sustainable use of land resources and their ecosystem services across catchments and sectors.
National Outcome 3: Greenhouse Gases

Improved measurement and mitigation of greenhouse gases from the terrestrial biosphere.
National Outcome 4: Growth within Limits

Increase the ability of New Zealand industries and organisations to develop within environmental limits and meet market and community requirements.
Core Funding Achievements Table 2015/16

Landcare Research received $24.2 million Core funding in 2015/16 for research to achieve our four National Outcomes.
Non-Financial Performance Summary

2015/16 performance measured against the key non-financial performance indicators outlined in the Statement of Corporate Intent 2016‒21.
Financial Performance Summary

Summary of group financial performance.
Directors’ Report

For the year ended 30 June 2016.
Glossary and Guide to Acronyms
