Annual Report 2015

Manaaki whenua – Manaaki tangata
(Care for the land – Care for the people)
Welcome to Landcare Research’s Annual Report for the year to 30th June 2015. We are delighted to report a very positive year in which our people have worked closely with stakeholders to produce world class science that will benefit our society, the natural environment and the economy. Landcare Research also met its financial targets for the year in a difficult operating environment and contributed strongly to new structural initiatives in the New Zealand science sector.
About Us

Our Core Purpose is to drive innovation in New Zealand’s management of terrestrial biodiversity and land resources in order to both protect and enhance the terrestrial environment and grow New Zealand’s prosperity.
Chair & Chief Executive's review

Welcome to Landcare Research’s Annual Report for the year to 30th June 2015. We are delighted to report a very positive year in which our people have worked closely with stakeholders to produce world class science that will benefi t our society, the natural environment and the economy.
Staff photography competition 2015

The photography competition celebrates the many excellent photographers we have in Landcare Research and provides an opportunity for staff to share with colleagues interesting places and situations, including the humorous and intrepid aspects of fieldwork across all of our National Outcomes.

National Outcome: Improved measurement, management and protection of New Zealand’s terrestrial biodiversity, including in the conservation estate.
Land Resources

National Outcome: Achieve the sustainable use of land resources and their ecosystem services across catchments and sectors.
Greenhouse Gases & Carbon Sinks

National Outcome: Improved measurement and mitigation of greenhouse gases from the terrestrial biosphere.
Development Within Environmental Limits

National Outcome: Increase the ability of New Zealand industries and organisations to develop within environmental limits and meet market and community requirements.
Core funding & achievements

Landcare Research received $24.2 million Core Funding in 2014/15.
Innovation case studies

2015 research highlights.
Vision Mātauranga Māori

Our goal is to be a key, preferred provider for Māori in enhancing the sustainable value of land-based natural resources.
Use of nationally significant databases & collections: 2014/15

Landcare Research is committed to ensuring our nationally-significant databases and collections and associated services are readily available and can be used efficiently and effectively.

Key performance indicators for Knowledge & technology transfer, Science excellence and People, learning & culture.
Awards & professional recognition

Significant awards recognising the achievements of Landcare staff.
Non-financial performance summary

2014/15 performance measured against the key non-financial performance indicators outlined in the Statement of Corporate Intent 2014‒19.
Financial performance summary

Summary of group financial performance.
Directors report

The Directors of Landcare Research New Zealand Limited are pleased to report that the Company fulfilled its obligations under the Crown Research Institutes Act 1992 for the year ended 30 June 2015. The disclosures relate to Landcare Research New Zealand Limited and its subsidiaries (the ‘Group’).

There are nine Landcare Research offices around New Zealand. Our Head Office is in Lincoln.