Our environmental performance

Science staff in the field
We actively manage our activities and materials use to achieve a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and offset all remaining greenhouse gas emissions each year. This year we developed a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management Policy to complement our Sustainability Policy.
We participate in the carboNZeroCertTM programme to measure, manage and reduce our emissions then purchase verified carbon credits to offset the remaining unavoidable emissions. Telarc, approved verifi ers to the carboNZero programme, again reviewed our systems and records to verify that our carbon–neutrality claims reach carboNZero certification equivalency across all sites including Sirtrack. As this external verifi cation report could not be completed in time for inclusion in our Annual Report, data presented at this time are unverified emissions; 2564 carbon credits (VERs from Meridian Gold Standard Windfarm and a PRE landfill project) have already been purchased through the carboNZero programme to offset these. As in previous years, any additional emissions identified during the audit process will be offset through the purchase of further carbon credits to ensure we are indeed carbon–neutral for the year. Updated, verified data will be presented on our sustainability web pages.
Waste minimisation
Since the baseline audit in May 2007 (22.54 kg total waste per FTE ), we have been steadily reducing our waste with further improvements this year (4.54 kg total waste per FTE) compared to the previous year (6.18 kg). The avoidable (compostable or recyclable) component of our landfill waste has also shown a similar steady decline. This has been achieved through a continual focus on waste minimisation supported by evidence from twice–yearly skip audits.
Zero accidental by–catch of native animals
Each year, we undertake a number of research programmes that involve routine trapping of vertebrate pests. While this type of work does not require Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) approval, we are committed to reducing accidental by–catch of non–target species, particularly native species. This is achieved largely through research that has enabled incremental improvements in types of traps used and trap–setting strategies. Results are reported to MAF each calendar year as studies are completed. In 2009, during 13 studies we caught 3,866 target animals (mostly possums and rodents) but only eight non–target native species, all of which were released unharmed.
All other projects involving handling of animals must have prior approval from our AEC. Last year, 21 new research applications and 11 amendments were approved. Usage is reported to MAF on completion of the projects.
Compliance with legislation
Our operations are subject to a broad range of legislation covering environmental, good employer, human rights and financial issues. There were no material instances of noncompliance during 2009/10.