Prestigious recognition

Dr Ross Beever, Fellow of the APPS
- Gary Barker: Invited visiting curatorship in malacology at Museum National ‘Histoire Naturelle, Paris
- Peter Bellingham: NZ–Japan Scientist Exchange Programme
- Thomas Buckley: New Zealand Association of Scientists Research Medal
- Andrea Byrom and Roger Pech: Chinese Academy of Sciences Fellowship
- Bev Clarkson: Kudos: Hamilton Science Excellence Awards Finalist in the Environmental Science Category
- Ian Dickie: Marsden Fund proposal led by Ian Dickie on mycorrhizal effects on phosphorus availability successful
- Penny Fisher: Pacific–Hawaii Conservation Exchange Program Grant
- Suzie Greenhalgh: Best presentation at NZARES Annual Conference in Nelson
- Carolyn Hedley: Finalist – Irrigation NZ Innovation in Irrigation Award
- Micheal Krausse, Kathryn Scott & Paula Wilkie: The Sustainable Habitat Challenge (SHaC) Retrofit Award
- Dave Morgan: ANZCCART Award for Outstanding Service to Animal Ethics Committees
- Grant Norbury: Central Otago Ecological Trust was the regional winner (Central Otago – Heritage & Environment) of the Trustpower Community Awards
- Graham Nugent: International Science & Technology Linkages Fund Award
- Peltzer, D.A., P.J. Bellingham, H. Kurokawa, L.R. Walker, D.A. Wardle and G.W. Yeates 2009. Punching above their weight: low biomass non–native species have larger impacts than dominant shrubs on soil properties in primary succession. Oikos 118:1001–1014. Selected as a “must read” new finding by Faculty of 1000 Biology
- Chris Phillips: Travel award through NZ–COST to attend meeting in Slovenia in September 2010
- Wendy Ruscoe: New Zealand – Hawaii Conservation Exchange
- Oshadhi Samarasinghe & Suzie Greenhalgh: Best first–time presenter at NZARES Conference
- Dan Tompkins: ISAT Funding for ´Parasite manipulation of host behaviour in New Zealand freshwaters´
- Katherine Trought: QEII Technicians´ Study Award
- David Wardle: Recipient of 2010 Wallenberg Scholars award
Other company awards and prizes included in total
- Landcare Research: Landcare Research was a Sustainable 60 Award finalist
- carboNZero programme: 2010 Green Ribbon Awards
- carboNZero programme: Sustainable 60 Award – Winner Strategy & Governance and Marketplace categories
- carboNZero programme: 2009 Deloitte Fast 50 Awards