Ecosystem Services in New Zealand

Ecosystem Services in New Zealand cover
John Dymond Ed.
Management of New Zealand's environment needs to be based on sound knowledge. Natural resource managers and policy makers now have at their fingertips the first comprehensive overview of the state of ecosystem services - the benefits people obtain from nature - in this country. More than 100 of New Zealand's leading scientists and academics have penned the 36 chapter for the 540-page book. Ecosystem services are categorised as 'provisioning', such as food, timber and freshwater; 'regulating', such as air quality, climate and pest regulation; 'cultural' such as recreation and sense of belonging; and 'supporting', such as soil quality and natural habitat resistance to weeds.
Editor John Dymond says the book was produced to improve understanding of the functioning of New Zealand's ecosystems.
ISBN: 9780478347364
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Introductory material
1.1 Ecosystem services in New Zealand’s indigenous tussock grasslands: conditions and trends
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Alan F. Mark, Barbara I.P. Barratt, Emily Weeks
1.2 New Zealand’s indigenous forests and shrublands
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Robert B. Allen, Peter J. Bellingham, Robert J. Holdaway, Susan K. Wiser
1.3 New Zealand’s naturally uncommon ecosystems
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Susan K. Wiser, Rowan P. Buxton, Beverley R. Clarkson, Robert J.B. Hoare, Robert J. Holdaway, Sarah J. Richardson, Mark C. Smale, Carol West, Peter A. Williams
1.4 Planted forests
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Richard T. Yao, Luke E. Barry, Stephen J. Wakelin, Duncan R. Harrison, Laure-Anne Magnard, Tim W. Payn
1.5 Sheep and beef cattle production systems
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Stephen T. Morris
1.6 Dairy cows — economic production and environmental protection
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Jacqueline S. Rowarth
1.7 Orchard ecosystem services: bounty from the fruit bowl
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Brent E. Clothier, Steve R. Green, Karin Müller, Roberta Gentile, Indika K. Herath, Karen M. Mason, Allister Holmes
1.8 The New Zealand arable industry
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James P. Millner, Nick R. Roskruge
1.9 A narrative of agriculture and biodiversity loss
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Emily D. Fountain and Steve D. Wratten
1.10 Survey of New Zealand soil orders
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Allan Hewitt
1.11 Natural capital and ecosystem services of soils
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Estelle J. Dominati
1.12 Soil microbes and their contribution to soil services
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Jackie Aislabie, Julie R. Deslippe
1.13 New Zealand’s genetic diversity
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Dennis P. Gordon
1.14 Wetland ecosystem services
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Beverley R. Clarkson, Anne-Gaelle E. Ausseil, Philippe Gerbeaux
1.15 Ecosystem services of lakes
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Marc Schallenberg, Mary D. de Winton, Piet Verburg, David J. Kelly, Keith D. Hamill, David P. Hamilton
1.16 The many uses and values of estuarine ecosystems
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Simon F.Thrush, Michael Townsend, Judi E. Hewitt, Kate Davies, Andrew M. Lohrer, Carolyn Lundquist, Katie Cartner
1.17 New Zealand marine ecosystem services
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Alison B. MacDiarmid, Cliff S. Law, Matt Pinkerton, John Zeldis
1.18 Ecosystem services in New Zealand cities
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Colin D. Meurk, Paul M. Blaschk, Robyn C. Simcock
2.1 Indigenous Māori knowledge and perspectives of ecosystems
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Garth R. Harmsworth, Shaun Awatere
2.2 Wild foods
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Nicola J. King, Robin J. Lake, Geoffrey N. Kerr
2.3 Mineral, coal and petroleum resources: production,exploration and potential
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Anthony B. Christie, Richard G. Barker
2.4 The value of ecosystem services for recreation
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Peter Clough
2.5 Tourism and ecosystem services in New Zealand
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David G. Simmons
2.6 Landscape aesthetic experience and ecosystem services
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Simon R. Swaffield, Wendy J. McWilliam
2.7 Erosion processes and their control in New Zealand
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Les R. Basher
2.8 Biocontrol of weeds: achievements to date and future outlook
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Lynley Hayes, Simon V. Fowler, Quentin Paynter, Ronny Groenteman, Paul Peterson, Sarah Dodd, Stanley Bellgard
2.9 Climate regulation in New Zealand: contribution of natural and managed ecosystems
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Anne-Gaelle E. Ausseil, Miko U.F. Kirschbaum, Robbie M. Andrew, Stephen McNeill, John R. Dymond, Fiona Carswell, Norman W.H. Mason
2.10 An ecosystem view of links between pest species and services
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Duane A. Peltzer
2.11 Pollination in New Zealand
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Linda E. Newstrom-Lloyd
2.12 River water quality in New Zealand: an introduction and overview
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Robert J. Davies-Colley
2.13 Freshwater biodiversity
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Michael K. Joy, Russell G. Death
2.14 Water regulation
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Maurice J. Duncan and Ross A. Woods
3.1 Towards a genuine progress indicator for New Zealand
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Vicky E. Forgie, Garry W. McDonald
3.2 ‘Total economic value’ of New Zealand’s land-based ecosystems and their services
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Murray G. Patterson, Anthony O. Cole
3.3 Spatial optimisation of ecosystem services
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Alexander Herzig, Anne-Gaelle E. Ausseil, John R. Dymond
3.4 St James Conservation Area: a purchase for ecosystem services
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Fiona E. Carswell, Tomás A. Easdale, Jacob McC. Overton, Anne-Gaelle E. Ausseil, Alison J. Greenaway, John R. Dymond, Norman W. H. Mason, Elise A. Arnst, Larry E. Burrows, Alexander Herzig, Robbie Price, Robert J. Holdaway, Duane A. Peltzer