Hatched: The capacity for sustainable development

More than 30 years of scientific evidence shows the trajectory the world has pursued cannot be sustained. Developing new ways to live and do business will be the defining challenge of our age. Our last chance to hatch, or go bad.
Hatched is an eBook of research findings, stories and tools exploring five key areas of capacity needed to chart a new trajectory for our long-term success: Thinking and acting for long term success; Businesses as sustainability innovators; Individuals as citizen consumers; Facing up to wicked problems; The future as a set of choices. Hatched is written for practitioners in business, government and community.

This file is at lower resolution to reduce download time, and includes extensive links both within the e-book and to external websites. Limited print copies of the book are available for purchase from Manaaki Whenua Press.
Each of the five sections of the book, and the introductory material, can be downloaded independently. Images are of higher quality, better suited to printing.