Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Method and conventions

Entries for taxa listed here that are not recorded in Valentine and Walker (1991) are based either upon a publication, in which case the reference is given after the citation in square brackets, or upon specimens in the New Zealand Arthropod Collection collected in New Zealand and identified by various authorities. These records are indicated by “NZAC” after the entry and the initials of the identifier in square brackets e.g. [NZAC-IDG]. Where specimens have been identified, but material is held in other repositories, this information is indicated as a personal communication [pers. comm.].

Researchers thus cited are: ADA, Andrew D. Austin; COA, Celso Azevedo; CvA, Kees van Achterberg; SB, Sergey Belokobylskij; JAB, J. A. Berry; MCC, Mary C. Carver; JGC, John G. Charles; FC, Fabiana Cuezzo; PD, Paul Dessart; JWE, John W. Early; NDMF, N.D.M. Fergusson; IDG, Ian D. Gauld; GAPG, Gary Gibson; EEG, Eric E. Grissell; JL, John LaSalle; IDN, Ian D. Naumann; MO, Massimo Olmi; TO, Till Osten; AP, Andrew Polaszek; GP, Gerhard Prinsloo; SRS, Scott R. Shaw; ST, Stephen Thorpe; CV, Colin Vardy; AKW, Annette K. Walker; RAW, Bob Wharton; CDZ, Chao-Dong Zhu.

Affiliations appear in the acknowledgements section.

The classification follows that of LaSalle and Gauld (1993). References to the species catalogued in Valentine and Walker (1991) are not provided here.


Endemic genera are underlined
CB = classical biological control introduction
E = endemic, only known from New Zealand (for species level taxa)
P = imported purposefully for pollination
(?) = record or establishment known to be doubtful, reference given
(t) = taxonomic status known to be doubtful, reference given
K = recorded from Kermadec Islands