
Ixerba brexioides
We especially thank Phil Garnock-Jones for making available his image library, which formed a foundation for the image set at the outset of the project, when the task of accumulating the huge number of images needed seemed daunting. We also thank others who contributed images: Jonathan Boow, Rowan Buxton, Markus Davis, Peter Heenan, Rowan Hilsden, Greg Jordan, Robert Lamberts, Chris Morse, Geoff Rogers, Alice Shanks, Jon Sullivan, and Manfred Tippelskirch. The many contributors to Wikimedia commons are thanked for making their images available. 200 images taken from Wikimedia commons are at present in the key. Images of Kurt Stüber, Kim and Forest Starr, Stan Shebs, Kenpei, and H. Zell have been particularly useful to fill gaps in our image set.
Jon Sullivan (Lincoln University) and Chrissen Gemmill (Waikato University) took the time to provide much useful feedback on the draft key in its earliest release.
We thank Aaron Wilton (Landcare Research) for providing a list of genera currently recognised as wild or casual in New Zealand from Landcare Research's plant names database, which made it possible to match the key accurately to the Ngā Tipu o Aotearoa website (Allan Herbarium 2000). We thank Colin Meurk also for an unpublished list of plants of Campbell Island.
The Australian key to flowering plant families (Adams & Thiele, 2001), Watson and Dallwitz's Families of flowering plants (Watson & Dallwitz 1992 onwards) and Neotropikey (Milliken et al. 2011) were useful as models for coding characters, and for scoring features uniform across a family. The online efloras China, North America, and Pakistan (efloras 2008, were most useful for scoring genera.
We also acknowledge the financial assistance of the Terrestrial and Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (TFBIS) Programme for funding this key. The TFBIS Programme is funded by the Government to help to achieve the goals of the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy, and is administered by the Department of Conservation.