Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Iwi and Hapū Management Strategies and Plans

Motueka River. Image - Adrienne Farr

Motueka River. Image - Adrienne Farr

One reason for collecting Māori values information is to provide the information base for iwi or hapū environmental management plans. “A plan articulates goals, aspirations and procedures for a group of people and their taonga” (Te Puni Kōkiri 1993). Its objectives should be “to protect and maintain resources, assets, people, and to enhance the well-being of tangata whenua”.

Iwi management plans need to spell out both general and particular attitudes, values, beliefs, and policies that Māori have. Management plans can specify what activities are permitted and where, what activities should be restricted, and what activities should be prohibited. "...Tino rangatiratanga, as guaranteed in the second Article of the Treaty of Waitangi, includes the right to contribute to resource allocation, and management decisions where these impact on tribal resources" (Tau et al. 1990). GIS's are one tool that could be used to help tangata whenua attain some of their goals and aspirations, by empowering individuals and groups to play a more active role in planning and promoting sustainable land-use and economic development within their environment.