Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Key performance indicators

Working bee to restore habitat for Otago giant skink. Image - Central Otago Conservation Trust

Working bee to restore habitat for Otago giant skink. Image - Central Otago Conservation Trust

The Science + Innovation Group in MBIE commissioned Colmar Brunton to conduct an independent stakeholder survey across a wide range of organisations, and 61 stakeholders commented on Landcare Research (57 in 2013; 61 in the 2012)

  • 70% are satisfied  with the way we set research priorities (78% in 2013; 83% in 2012)
  • 72% are confident we consider theh sector's priorities when setting research priorities (69% in 2013; 70% in 2012)
  • 92 % are confident that we put together the most appropriate research teams (85% in 2013; 91% in 2012)
  • 82% are satisfied with the overall quality of their experience (91% in 2013; 87% in 2012)

Our results sit at the top end of the CRI range in many cases, above the CRI average in all cases and are not materially different year-on-year since the survey was initiated.

Stakeholder relationships

For the year ending 30 June:





Client staff on Landcare Research advisory groups 69 461 51 801
Landcare Research staff on stakeholder advisory groups 48 71 78 612
Staff secondments — to other agencies 3 5 6 8
— from other agenies 1 1 1 0
Other agency staff co-located with us 110 102 893 873
Our staff co-located with others 9 10 44 44

1 80 staff representing 45 agencies and groups are members of 11 of our advisory groups

2 33 staff were on 61 stakeholder advisory groups

3 DOC staff were co-located with us at Hamilton and Lincoln have now moved to their own premises

4 6 or our staff were previously co-located in a building leased by Science New Zealand. Last year we  leased new premises for our Wellington staff and Science new Zealand and Scion staff are now co-located with us