Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Knowledge transfer

Ora – Save the forest game

Ora – Save the forest game

Knowledge transfer is an integral part of the research highlights covered under our Outcomes and Impacts and Vision Mātauranga. We continued a wide range of initiatives that include workshops, print and e-newsletters tailored to the interests of stakeholders, video clips, hui and seminars. In Wellington, our monthly lunchtime seminars to government policy stakeholders on topical research issues attract good audiences and constructive debate among our stakeholders. A wide range of topics are covered, with presentations available on our website.

Website: Link Seminars

Predator-Free New Zealand

Technology and knowledge transfer will be vital in progressing the Predator-Free New Zealand concept at community, local and regional scales. In addition to our work with national and local government and the Predator- Free New Zealand Trust, we work with numerous NGOs and community-led groups that are part of the Sanctuaries of New Zealand Network. We host the Sanctuaries’ website and coordinate an annual workshop for sanctuary stakeholders.

Research to develop cost-effective, environmentally sensitive and humane pest management strategies and control products specifically targets the needs of community groups as well those of commercial contractors working for DOC, TBfree New Zealand and local government. Products such as traps, baits and toxins are licensed to commercial partners in the New Zealand market to speed their availability.

Website: Sanctuaries of New Zealand

Ora – Save the Forest game

Ora is an interactive ecological adventure game in which players save New Zealand’s forests; it is also a scientific experiment using crowdsourcing. The online game incorporates scientific data and models of forest-pestmanagement interactions but represents a totally different way of making research results available for others to learn from. Gamers’ actions in tackling complex pest control problems feed back into research on control and management strategies. The fi rst Ora user study in December 2013 engaged 52 players and generated a number of useful ideas and themes.

As part of the Ora – Save the Forest game being developed with the HIT Lab at Canterbury University, we released Possum Stomp as a mini game, a 'reward' within the larger science-based game. Possum Stomp was also released as an app for iPhone, iPad and Android devices as a teaser and Ora fundraiser.

Website: PlayOra

Biosecurity Bonanza

Of the numerous and diverse seminars, workshops and training sessions that we run with and for end-user stakeholders, the annual one-day Biosecurity Bonanza is now the largest by far. This year’s event was attended by about 100 people from 40 organisations. More than 30 of our staff presented or co-authored papers in two concurrent sessions. At the end of the day, a one-hour panel discussion considered 'What science, information and tools do we need to take biosecurity in New Zealand to the next level?' Themes that emerged were: the need for stronger collaboration throughout the biosecurity sector; new tools and best practice; clarity about outcomes, priorities, when to cease control. Our more holistic focus on landscapes/ecosystems in many of our research programmes was endorsed. And there was robust debate about how best to infl uence funding support for biosecurity research, and about the role of scientists in advocacy.

No attendance fee is charged but attendees cover the costs of their own travel and accommodation. This year, Biosecurity Bonanaza was booked out within days of it being announced – it is recognised as one of the premier information transfer events between researchers and biosecurity practitioners, managers and policymakers.

Website: Biosecurity Bonanza