Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Greenhouse Gases & Carbon Sinks

Unusual wave clouds form under particular atmospheric conditions (John Hunt).

Unusual wave clouds form under particular atmospheric conditions (John Hunt).

National Outcome Improved measurement and mitigation of greenhouse gases from the terrestrial biosphere.

Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, New Zealand has an obligation to decrease net emissions of greenhouse gases from terrestrial systems to below ‘business as usual’ levels, and must produce an annual national greenhouse gas emissions inventory. To ensure reporting of emissions and removals is as accurate as possible, it is necessary to have access to: (1) a robust inventory of net emissions and carbon storage, and (2) effective mitigation options for reducing net emissions—both of which must take into account emissions and carbon storage resulting from land management, land use change and global change.

The challenges to achieving these complex and interrelated objectives remain substantial, with significant gaps in science knowledge and associated policy and land management settings. To achieve this National Outcome, we are working extensively in collaboration with a number of other research groups, as well as key end users in the Natural Resources Sector and the Primary Sector.

Lysimeters (John Hunt).
Impact 3.1

The status of terrestrial greenhouse gas emissions and removals is understood and quantified so that changes in relation to management strategies, land-use policies and global change can be predicted.

Small scale ecology (John Hunt).
Impact 3.2

Land use options, asset management and other methods that increase carbon storage and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions are understood for environmental, economic and social benefits.