Volume 5: Agaricales of New Zealand 1 - Pluteaceae - Entolomataceae

Fungi of NZ Series Vol 5 cover
E. Horak
This book provides descriptions and illustrations of all the species of the pink-spored agarics of the families Pluteaceae and Entolomataceae that have been recorded in New Zealand, both indigenous and exotic, as well as keys for the identification and details of herbarium specimens. Doubtful and excluded records are also annotated.
Two genera of Pluteaceae are covered: Pluteus (15 species, including 10 new species previously unnamed and undescribed); and Volvariella (three species). Six genera of Entolomataceae are covered:Claudopus (one species); Clitopilus (two unnamed species); Entoloma (76 species, including 28 new species); Pouzarella (one species); Rhodocybe (nine species, including one new species) and Richoniella (one species, including a new form).