Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Recent publications

Fisher P, Nugent G, Morgan D, Warburton B, Cowan P, Duckworth J 2011.Possum management using aerial 1080 – not new, definitely improved. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 56:5–8.

Glen AS, Hamilton T, McKenzie D, Ruscoe WA, Byrom AE 2012.Kiwi Apteryx mantelli population recovery through community-led trapping of invasive non-native mammals in Northland, New Zealand. Conservation Evidence 9:22–27

Jones CJ, Clifford H, Fletcher D, Cuming P, Lyver POB 2011.Survival and age-at-first-return estimates for grey-faced petrels (Pterodroma macroptera gouldi) breeding on Mauao and Motuotau Island in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Notornis 58:71–80.

MacLeod CJ, Tompkins DM, Drew KW, Pyke N 2011.Does farm-scale habitat composition predict pest-bird numbers and distribution? Wildlife Research 38: 464–474.

Monks A, Tompkins DM 2012.Optimising bait-station delivery of fertility control agents to brushtail possum populations: field test of spatial model predictions. Wildlife Research 39: 62–69.

Morriss GA, Warburton B, Cross ML, Nugent G 2011.Hoarding behaviour by ship rats (Rattus rattus) in captivity and its relevance to the effectiveness of pest control operations. European Journal of Wildlife Research 58: 483–488.

Nugent G 2011.Maintenance, spillover and spillback transmission of bovine tuberculosis in multi-host wildlife complexes: A New Zealand case study. Veterinary Microbiology 151: 34–42.

O’Brien DJ, Schmitt SM, Rudolph BA, Nugent G 2011. Recent advances in the management of bovine tuberculosis in free-ranging wild-life. Veterinary Microbiology 151:23–33.

Orr-Walker T, Adams NJ, Roberts LG, Kemp JR, Spurr EB 2012.Effectiveness of the bird repellents anthraquinone and D-pulegone on an endemic New Zealand parrot, the kea (Nestor notabilis). Applied Animal Behaviour Science 137:80–85.

Ritchie EG, Elmhagen B, Glen AS, Letnic M, Ludwig G, McDonald RA 2012. Ecosystem restoration with teeth: what role for predators? Trends in Ecology & Evolution 27:265–271.

Spurr EB 2012.1080 impacts on invertebrate populations: a review and response to Benfield 2011. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 56: 46–47.

Veitch CR, Clout MN, Towns DR eds 2011. Island Invasives: eradication and management. Proceedings of the International Conference on Island Invasives. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. Pp. 542.