Recent publications
Buxton RT, Jones C, Moller H, Towns DR 2014. Drivers of seabird population recovery on New Zealand islands after predator eradication. Conservation Biology 28: 333–344.
therington TR, Perry GLW, Cowan PE, Clout MN 2014. Quantifying the direct transfer costs of common brushtail possum dispersal using least-cost modelling: a combined cost-surface and accumulated-cost dispersal kernel approach. PLoS ONE 9(2): e88293.
Ferreira C, Villafuerte R, Villar N, Castro F, Ferreras P, Rouco C, Alves PC, Arias de Reyna L, Redpath S 2014. Experimental study on the effect of cover and vaccination on the survival of juvenile European rabbits. Population Ecology 56: 195–202.
Forsyth DM, Ramsey DSL, Veltman CJ, Allen RB, Allen WJ, Barker RJ, Jacobson CL, Nicol SJ, Richardson SJ, Todd CR 2013. When deer must die: large uncertainty surrounds changes in deer abundance achieved by helicopter- and ground-based hunting in New Zealand forests. Wildlife Research 40: 447–458.
King C, Winstanley T, Innes J, Gleeson D 2014. Multiple paternity and differential male breeding success in wild ship rats (Rattus rattus). New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38: 76–85.
MacLeod CJ, Moller H 2013. Environmental monitoring for sustainable land management in New Zealand’s production landscapes. NZ Sustainability Dashboard Research Report 13/10. ARGOS. 97 p.
Masuda BM, Fisher P, Jamieson IG 2014. Anticoagulant rodenticide brodifacoum detected in dead nestlings of an insectivorous passerine. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38: 110–115.
Monks JM, Monks A, Towns DR 2014. Correlated recovery of five lizard populations following eradication of invasive mammals. Biological Invasions 16: 167–175.
Morriss GW, Warburton B 2014. Modifying the Victor® Easy Set® rat trap to improve the animal welfare of stoats and ship rats trapped in New Zealand. PLoS ONE 9(2): e86760.
Norbury G, van den Munckhof M, Neitzel S, Hutcheon A, Reardon J, Ludwig K 2014. Impacts of invasive house mice on post-release survival of translocated lizards. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38: [early view online].
Northcott G, Jensen D, Ying L, Fisher P 2014. Degradation rate of sodium fluoroacetate in three New Zealand soils. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33: 1048–1058.
Nugent G, Yockney IJ, Whitford EJ, Cross ML 2014. Assessing the effectiveness of tuberculosis management in brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), through indirect surveillance of Mycobacterium bovis infection using released sentinel pigs. Veterinary Medicine International 2014: 361634.
Parkes J, Fisher P, Robinson S, Aguirre-Muñoz A 2014. Eradication of feral cats from large islands: an assessment of the effort required for success. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38: [early view online].
Pickerell GA, O'Donnell CFJ, Wilson DJ, Seddon PJ 2014. How can we detect introduced mammalian predators in non-forest habitats? A comparison of techniques. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38: 86–102.
Santoro S, Pacios I, Moreno S, Bertó-Moran A, Rouco C 2014. Multi-event capture-recapture modeling of host-pathogen dynamics among European rabbit populations exposed to myxoma and rabbit hemorrhagic disease viruses: common and heterogeneous patterns. Veterinary Research 45: 39.
Schadewinkel RB, Senior AM, Wilson DJ, Jamieson IG 2014. Effects on South Island robins (Petroica australis) from pest control using aerially applied 1080 poison. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38: [early view online].
Stringer I, Watts C, Thornburrow D, Chappell R, Price R 2014. Saved from extinction? Establishment and dispersal of Mercury Islands tusked weta, Motuweta isolata, following translocation onto mammal-free islands. Journal of Insect Conservation [early view online].
Sweetapple PJ, Ruscoe WA, Nugent G 2014. Dietary changes in response to population reduction in the possum Trichosurus vulpecula in New Zealand. Wildlife Research 40: 561–569.
Walker S, Wilson DJ, Norbury G, Monks A, Tanentzap AJ 2014. Effects of secondary shrublands on bird, lizard and invertebrate faunas in a dryland landscape. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38: [early view online].
Whitehead AL, Byrom AE, Clayton RI, Pech RP 2014. Removal of livestock alters native plant and invasive mammal communities in a dry grassland–shrubland ecosystem. Biological Invasions 16: 1105–1118.