Toitū Envirocare

Toitū Envirocare: over a decade of experience helping New Zealand organisations achieve credible environmental certification.
More New Zealand organisations have achieved their environmental management goals with Enviro-Mark Certification than through any other programme. The Enviro-Mark Programme provides all the tools and support needed to implement an effective environmental management system through a membership-based programme. It helps identify environmental impacts of every aspect of your operation and supports you in managing those impacts . Certification can help organisations meet tender requirements, satisfy stakeholder demands, ensure legislative compliance, demonstrate good corporate citizenship, identify and manage risks, develop business efficiencies, achieve cost savings and gain market access.
The Enviro-Mark Environmental Management programme is a five-step journey to improved environmental performance with a focus on continuous improvement as companies work from Bronze to Diamond level. At Enviro-Mark Gold level, member companies are recognised as having an ongoing measurable environmental improvement programme. Enviro-Mark Diamond, the final step, is equivalent to ISO 14001. Every year, performance is assessed through an independent audit to ensure your result is accurate and complete and allow you to credibly market your credentials with confidence.
The certification programme is owned and operated by Landcare Research’s wholly-owned subsidiary Enviro-Mark Solutions Limited.