Case studies for building trustworthy indicators

We are working in partnership with a wide range of people and organisations who are addressing a diverse set of goals and fulfil a variety of roles in bird monitoring and reporting.
Facilitating engagement

Building engagement and trust in biodiversity indicators requires working directly with the people and organisations involved in collecting and reporting the data. Focus groups provide one means to facilitate this process.
Enhancing the Garden Bird Survey

Improving this citizen-science initiative's communication strategy and indicators for reporting in partnership with its organiser and participants.
Bird indicators sensitive to land-use change

Developing bird indicators sensitive to land-use change for New Zealand’s production landscapes. Working with the New Zealand Sustainability Dashboard, Department of Conservation and Ministry for Primary Industries to support the transparency of New Zealand's Primary Industries.
Regional reporting on the ‘state of birds’

Developing a proof-of concept for regional reporting on the ‘state of birds’ in partnership with the Regional Councils Biodiversity Working Group and Department of Conservation.
Calculating aggregated bird indicators for reporting

Developing methods for calculating aggregated bird indicators for reporting at local to national scales in partnership with the Department of Conservation
Māori bird names and iwi preferences

We are working with iwi and other institutions to develop protocols that ensure Māori bird names used in biodiversity reports are locally acceptable for the region and iwi involved.
We are also working with other citizen science organisations (NatureWatch and Birds NZ) as well as other regional and central government agencies (including the Ministry for Environment, Ministry for Primary Industries and Statistics New Zealand) to determine their biodiversity monitoring and reporting goals.