Regional reporting on the ‘state of birds’

We are working in partnership with the Regional Council Biodiversity Working Group and the Department of Conservation to provide a ‘proof-of-concept’ for reporting on the ‘State of Birds’ at the regional scale.
Coordinated monitoring and reporting
The Regional Council Biodiversity Working Group is leading the development and implementation of biodiversity indicators to inform a framework for coordinated monitoring and reporting of terrestrial biodiversity. This framework includes measures for reporting on status and trends in bird biodiversity, or ‘avian representation’ (M3).
The framework aims to deliver a harmonised system for state-of-environment reporting at regional and national scales. Hence, where feasible, it aligns closely with the Department of Conservation’s Biodiversity Monitoring and Reporting System.
Key questions
- What level of change is it important to detect?
- How many locations need to be sampled to detect that change?
- How should the indicators be calculated for reporting?
- How should the indicators be reported?
- Where should indicators be reported?
Our research
To begin to address these questions, we are using information gathered from private land by Greater Wellington Regional Council, along with complementary information collected on public conservation land by the Department of Conservation. We will use these data to provide a preliminary report on the ‘State of Birds’ in the Greater Wellington Region.
The Greater Wellington survey aimed to test the feasibility of implementing the Department of Conservation’s bird monitoring protocols in pastoral areas. Our research, therefore, also reviews the operational aspects of implementing the monitoring protocols, as well as ways to improve the survey design.