Terrestrial Data Analysis - Ross Sea Region

Using data to understand the pressures on the Ross Sea region terrestrial environment
MBIE Research Programme
Using environmental, human movement (activity and impact), and biological data, this research programme is undertaking a range of novel analyses to better understand the pressures on the terrestrial environment of the Ross Sea region in Antarctica.
These analyses cover regional-scale climate modelling; spatial wetness modelling; digital soil mapping and analysis; analysis and visualisation of environmental constraints for biology in the region (bioregions); analysis and modelling of human movement in the region; and data mining to explore the collated Antarctic data for new insights.
To ensure the analyses are policy relevant, we are working with Antarctica New Zealand to make certain they are used both for environmental decision-making and to support a regional-scale Environmental Impact Assessment to highlight the environmental pressures on the Ross Sea region.
Programme Vison
This Programme will undertake a new, regional-scale, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Ross Sea region (RSR). It will improve existing options defined in the Antarctic Treaty by providing a regional context focusing on the cumulative historic, current and future scale of human activities and the spatial variation in environmental pressures that face the region.
Our 3 research aims are:
- Research Aim 1.1 – Develop approaches to collect and generate data for analysis (Data Collection),
- Research Aim 1.2 – Provide data analyses of environmental and human pressures on the Ross Sea region terrestrial environment (Data Analysis),
- Research Aim 1.3 – Develop a new Environmental Impact Assessment for the Ross Sea region and tools to support its application (Regional EIA).