
Antarctic soil
Bockheim JG, McLeod M 2008. Soil distribution in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Geoderma 144: 43–49.
Bockheim JG, McLeod M 2006. Soil formation in Wright Valley, Antarctica since the Late Neogene. Geoderma 137: 109–116.
Hofstee EH, Balks MR, Petchey F, Campbell DI 2006. Soils of Seabee Hook, Cape Hallet, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 18: 473–486.
McLeod M, Bockheim JG, Balks MR 2008. Glacial geomorphology, soil development and permafrost features in central-upper Wright Valley, Antarctica. Geoderma. 144: 93–103.
McLeod M, Bockheim J, Balks M, Aislabie J 2009. Soils of western Wright Valley, Antarctica. Antarctic Science. 21: 355–365.
Soil climate
Adlam LS, Balks MR, Seybold CA, Campbell DI 2010. Temporal and spatial variation in active layer depth in the McMurdo Sound Region, Antarctica. Antarctic Science. 22: 45–52.
Seybold CA, Harms DS, Balks M, Aislabie J, Paetzold RF, Kimble J, Sletten R 2009. Soil Climate Monitoring Project in the Ross Island Region of Antarctica. Soil Survey Horizons 50(2): 52–57.
Soil microbes
Aislabie J, Chhour K, Saul DJ, Miyauchi S, Ayton J, Paetzold RF, Balks MR 2006. Dominant bacterial groups in soils of Marble Point and Wright Valley, Victoria Land, Antarctica. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38: 3041–3056.
Aislabie J, Jordan S, Ayton J, Klassen JL, Barker GM, Turner S 2009. Bacterial diversity associated with ornithogenic soil of the Ross Sea region, Antarctica. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 55: 21–36.
Ayton J, Aislabie J, Barker G, Saul D, Turner S 2010. Crenarchaeota affiliated with Group 1.1b are prevalent in coastal mineral soils of the Ross Sea region of Antarctica. Environmental Microbiology 12: 689–703.
Novis PM, Smissen RD 2006. Two genetic and ecological groups of Nostoc commune in Victoria Land, Antarctica, revealed by AFLP analysis. Antarctic Science 18: 573–581.
Novis PM, Whitehead D, Gregorich EG, Hunt JE, Sparrow AD, Hopkins DW, Elberling B, Greenfield LG 2007. Annual carbon fixation in terrestrial populations of Nostoc commune (Cyanobacteria) from an Antarctic dry valley is driven by temperature regime. Global Change Biology 13: 1224–1237. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01354.x
Human impacts
Aislabie J, Balks MR, Foght JM, Waterhouse E 2004. Hydrocarbon spills on soils of the Ross Sea region, Antarctica: effects and management. Environmental Science & Technology 38: 1265–1274.
Antarctic environmental domains
Morgan F, Barker G, Briggs C, Price R, Keys H 2007. Environmental Domains of Antarctica Version 2.0 Final Report. Landcare Research Contract Report LC0708/055, prepared for Antarctica New Zealand and DOC. 2.9MB