Wetlands Bioblitz 2018: Rotopiko

To celebrate World Wetlands Day, National Wetland Trust of New Zealand, sponsored by Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research, bring you ROTOPIKO BIOBLITZ - New Zealand's first wetland Bioblitz.
A fun, educational event for the whole family to celebrate World Wetlands Day and local biodiversity. Join switched on scientists and savvy volunteers to explore the restored forest and wetlands around a premier Waikato peat lake. Go species spotting with the team, and help make a list of every living thing imaginable on the site: plants big and small, insects of all shapes, lake life, birds... even organisms only discoverable by microscope!
SCHOOLS: Friday 16th February - 13:00-19:00
PUBLIC: Saturday 17th February 09:30 - 15:30
National Wetland Centre, Rotopiko/Lake Serpentine, Ohaupo Rd, Ohaupo
Location map