Overview notes and PowerPoint presentations

Cultural indicators - Motueka Riwaka Catchment
Values, Monitoring and Outcomes Research Programme: An overview
Suzie Greenhalgh, Landcare Research
Freshwater reform – 2013 and beyond. Notes & Presentation
Kay Harrison – then Director of Water, Ministry for the Environment
Collaborative processes
Plenary session:
Collaborative freshwater management: The challenge of a new paradigm
Jim Sinner and Natasha Berkett, Cawthron Institute, Nelson
Panel discussion:
How to design and when to use collaborative processes: a Waikato example. (Notes from the panel discussion on the collaborative process for Healthy Rivers Wai Ora: Plan for Change, He Rautaki Whakapaipai)
Wendy Boyce, Community Engagement Workstream Lead, Healthy Rivers Wai Ora Project, Waikato Regional Council
Reflections of the Collaborative Process from a Regional Council Perspective
Tim Sharp, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Tools for implementing freshwater reforms
Barbara Nicholas, ECan
Reflections of collaborative processes from a regional council perspective
Graham Sevicke-Jones, Greater Wellington Regional Council
Monitoring and reporting
Plenary session:
Water monitoring and reporting: Overview of the Freshwater Values Monitoring Outcomes Research Programme – Research Aim 2. Notes & Presentation
Rob Davies-Colley, NIWA
Māori values for freshwater planning. Notes & Presentation
Garth Harmsworth and Shaun Awatere, Landcare Research
Panel discussion:
Integrating mātauranga Māori into freshwater management and planning: he kōrero whakatūpato
Shaun Awatere, Landcare Research
Reflections of State of the Environment Reporting from a Regional Council Perspective
Bill Vant, Waikato Regional Council
How mātauranga Māori and Science work together to assess health of the Toreparu wetland (MSc project at University of Waikato)
Mahuru Robb, University of Waikato student
Science Strategies and monitoring networks
Lian Potter, Greater Wellington Regional Council
Policy performance monitoring for complex systems and wicked problems
Claire Mortimer, MBIE