
Ashore on Little Barrier Island. Image – Peter Bellingham
Jo A Brosnahan (Chair)
Graeme S Boyd
Alastair R Lawrence
M John F Luxton (From 1 July 2009)
Robin Pratt
Peter M Schuyt (From 1 Sept 2009)
Tania J Simpson (From 1 July 2009)
Victoria Taylor (From 1 Sept 2009)
William S Te Aho (Retired 30 June 2009)
Anne J Urlwin (Deputy) (Retired 30 June 2009)
J Jill White (Retired 30 Oct 2008)
Senior Management Team
Dr Warren Parker: Chief Executive Officer
Carol Bellette: Chief Financial Officer
Mike Lee: General Manager Business
Dr David Choquenot: General Manager Biological Systems
Dr Richard Gordon: General Manager Environment & Society
Corporate (Registered) Office
Canterbury Agriculture & Science Centre
Gerald St
PO Box 40
Lincoln 7640
New Zealand
Phone +64 3 321 9999
Fax +64 3 321 9997
Email <surname><initial>
BANKERS: The National Bank of New Zealand
AUDITORS: Audit New Zealand on behalf of the Auditor General
SOLICITORS: Buddle Findlay
Where to find us
ALEXANDRA 43 Dunstan Rd PO Box 282 Alexandra 9340 Ph: (03) 440 2930 Fax: (03) 440 2931 | AUCKLAND 231 Morrin Rd, St Johns Private Bag 92170 Auckland 1142 Ph: (09) 574 4100 Fax: (09) 574 4101 | DUNEDIN 764 Cumberland St Private Bag 1930 Dunedin 9054 Ph: (03) 470 7200 Fax: (03) 470 7201 | GISBORNE ZG FM Building, Grey St PO Box 445 Gisborne 4040 Ph: (06) 863 1345 Fax: (06) 863 1346 |
HAMILTON Gate 10 Silverdale Rd Private Bag 3127 Hamilton 3240 Ph: (07) 859 3700 Fax: (07) 859 3701 | HAVELOCK NORTH (SIRTRACK) Goddard Lane Private Bag 1403 Havelock North 4157 Ph: (06) 877 7736 Fax: (06) 877 5422 | LINCOLN Gerald Street PO Box 40 Lincoln 7640 Ph: (03) 321 9999 Fax: (03) 321 9998 | NELSON |
PALMERSTON NORTH Riddet Rd, Massey University Campus Private Bag 11052 Palmerston North 4442 Ph: (06) 353 4800 Fax: (06) 353 4801 | WELLINGTON 6th Floor Equinox House 111 The Terrace Wellington Ph: (04) 382 6649 Fax: (04) 913 9997 |