Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua


Grant Norbury, chair of COET, recipients of the Inland Otago Conservation Award

Grant Norbury, chair of COET, recipients of the Inland Otago Conservation Award

Meritorious awards & appointments

Andrea Byrom: Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Professorship for senior international scientists with the Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, Xining, People’s Republic of China

Sam Carrick: 2010 Morice Fields Award from the New Zealand Society of Soil Science in recognition of the exceptional merit of his PhD thesis

Dave Choquenot, Bill Lee and Roger Pech: Professorial appointments to the joint graduate school with University of Auckland. The school will focus on biodiversity and biosecurity projects aligned with our Core Purpose. Thomas Buckley and Dianne Gleeson: Associate Professorial appointments

Simon Fowler: Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society (London)

David Galloway: Hutton Medal – for excellence in plant sciences, awarded by the Royal Society of New Zealand for his significant contribution to the understanding of the New Zealand environment through great advances in knowledge of New Zealand’s richly diverse lichens

Dianne Gleeson: ‘Women in science entrepreneur award’ from Pacific Channel, a venture capital and seed funding organisation, for her work in developing EcoGene’s DNA–based analytical services that include detecting new organisms, monitoring pest species, disease monitoring and threatened species management

Gwen–Aelle Grelet: 50,000th Marie Curie Fellow and New Zealand symbolic representative at a 2–day high–level conference in Brussels, held by the European Commission and the European Research Executive Agency, to celebrate the launch of the programme in 1996. The conference was attended by President of the European Commission and President of the European Parliament

Aaron Hicks: ‘KAREN Champion’ for his consistently strong, positive and well–regarded contribution to the Kiwi Advanced Research & Education Network (KAREN) Chris Phillips: Honorary Member of the New Zealand Association of Resource Management (NZARM), for 20 years’ service to the association, promoting the aims and philosophies of NZARM

Daniel Than: QEII Technician’s Study Award to collaborate with overseas’ organisations on molecular–based assays to rapidly detect kauri die–back disease, and to develop skills in non–target host testing of rust fungi and quarantine facilities

The Central Otago Ecological Trust (COET): Inland Otago Conservation Award for their efforts to save Otago skinks from extinction. Landcare Research is a key partner and trustee in COET, and Grant Norbury is the Chair

Travel awards

Peter Bellingham: a two–month fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to work at Tohoku University in Sendai and in the subtropical Ogasawara Islands to develop in–kind approaches to the study of invasive plants

Phil Cowan: International Mobility Funding to collaborate on vertebrate pest management with colleagues in Germany

Ian Dickie and Nina Koele: International Mobility Funding to bring a Belgian colleague here to study soil processes under kauri, and develop other collaborative projects

Shaun Forgie: International Mobility Funding for an evolutionary study of a group of beetles at the University of Western Kentucky

Ronny Groenteman: IOBC–Asia–Pacific Regional Section Young Scientist Award to attend the 3rd Combined Australian and New Zealand Entomological Societies Conference. Also a Council of Australasian Weed Societies Early Career Weed Scientist Travel Grant

John Hunt: Royal Society of New Zealand NZ–Germany ISAT award to work with colleagues on the effects of land–use change on carbon storage Kevin Richards: International Mobility Funding to work with colleagues in the Netherlands on a Compositae taxonomy framework

Alan Saunders: International Mobility Funding to bring the Executive Director of Advanced Conservation Strategies (ACS) here on a 10–day visit to collaborate with pest management researchers, restoration ecologists, resource economists and carbon sequestration specialists

Darren Ward: International Mobility Funding to bring a colleague from Canada here for collaborative work on identification of parasitoid wasps

Susan Wiser: NZ–Spain S&T award to bring a colleague from the University of Barcelona to work here for 10 weeks

Professional Networks

  • 48 staff (including research associates) hold 59 positions in professional societies (14 Fellows)
  • 59 staff hold 133 positions on national and international advisory boards, technical groups and review panels
  • 46 of our senior scientists (including research associates) hold 96 positions on the editorial boards of scientifi c journals
  • 11 staff hold 17 directorships or board memberships
  • 11 staff were invited to give keynote or plenary addresses at significant national and international conferences, with costs fully or partly covered
  • 19 postdoctoral researchers were hosted, 5 of whom commenced during the year