The Capability Fund

Prototype methane biofilter
Administered by MSI (MoRST when the projects below were chosen), the Capability Fund helps CRIs retain and develop capability for the benefi t of New Zealand.
We made allocations based on:
- A balance of capability maintenance and new and over–the–horizon capabilities covering a spectrum from targeted research through to product development
- Integration across science disciplines and outcomes
- Alignment with stakeholder emerging needs
- Support for projects (mainly Informatics) that underpin all eight Impacts.
2010/11 Capability Fund investment for each Outcome and Impact
Outcome | Impact | $000s | % |
Outcome 1 Biodiversity1 | 1.1 Biodiversity trends | 1,050 | 19 |
1.2 Biodiversity management | 1,430 | 26 | |
Outcome 2 Land resources | 2.1 Land resource trends | 756 | 14 |
2.2 Sustaining land resources | 367 | 6 | |
Outcome 3 Terrestrial greenhouse gases (GHG) | 3.1 GHG trends | 40 | 1 |
3.2 GHG mitigation & sinks | 466 | 9 | |
Outcome 4 Sustainable industry | 4.1 Trends in complex environmental challenges | 550 | 10 |
4.2 Integrated environmental solutions | 444 | 8 | |
Underpinning projects | Projects spanning all eight Impacts | 372 | 7 |
Total | 5,475 | 100 |
1 Although 45% of the funding was used for projects primarily under Outcome 1, many of those projects have significant secondary impacts under other Outcomes.
Capability Fund Project Examples
Impact 1.1 Systematic biodiversity assessment – new reporting at multiple scales
With terrestrial biodiversity loss under the public spotlight, we used our research experience and databases to develop a framework to help identify priority places, pests and outcomes for conservation management. This project assisted DOC’s National Heritage Management System by demonstrating the benefits of national terrestrial biodiversity indicators, and led to agreement among regional councils on a national set of indicators. Our research also raised awareness about the biodiversity implications for some intensive land use and water allocation issues in New Zealand.
Impact 1.1 Integrating phylogenetics and ecology
The conservation management of New Zealand beech (Nothofagus) forest will benefit from this project that developed microsatellite markers (DNA sequences) to get a better understanding of the phylogenetics (the evolutionary relatedness of groups of organisms) of beech forest ecosystems. The markers developed for beech, which are currently being screened, will provide the first detailed study of the population history of these important New Zealand forest species. Combined with our extensive ecological data on beech forest, the genetic data will be used to create a framework for mapping trait variation. In addition to studying the DNA of the trees, our researchers gained valuable insights by also studying the DNA of invertebrates and fungi associated with beech trees at each location.
Impact 1.2 Kauri under threat
Together with other agencies, we have been monitoring the distribution of the exotic Phytophthora (PTA) disease in northern kauri forests and have been studying its origins. Our DNA analysis and collaborative work with international agencies suggests the disease could have originated from Taiwan. Understanding the origin of PTA is important in designing appropriate quarantine actions that counter the disease spreading. From our multi–gene sequence alignment, a PTA–specific assay has been developed to increase the speed and accuracy of PTA detection.
Impact 1.2 Fertility control
While we have developed a vaccine that can significantly reduce possum fertility, the challenge has been to find an effective method of delivering it. In this project we have been researching oral delivery using a replication–limited recombinant vaccinia virus (recVV) expressing a test antigen. When we delivered recVV to the nose and mouth of possums, a single dose elicited an immune response to the test antigen in most animals. The next step will be to modify the virus to express contraceptive antigens and study the long–term fertility and immunity responses. As well as showing excellent potential for the successful delivery of fertility or disease control vaccines to wild possums, recVV may have applications for fertility control of other vertebrate pests.
Impact 2.1 Global Soil Map opportunities for pedometrics in New Zealand
Landcare Research is committed to the Global Soil Map (GSM) initiative (see page 29). This project was to ensure we maximised the GSM benefits for New Zealand by developing our capability in pedometrics – the application of spatial mathematics to soil science and applied in digital soil mapping. We employed an additional pedometrician, strengthened our international research linkages, and have developed and tested new techniques for soil assessment. We are also incorporating GSM methods into our domestic soil mapping project S–map.
Impact 2.2 Managing for multiple ecosystem services
Many landowners are grappling with trade–offs. Managing biodiversity, for example, may affect ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, water quality and erosion control. This project brought together science staff with a diverse range of skills to create a framework for quantifying those trade–offs. The framework was demonstrated at the property scale (St James Conservation Area) and catchment scale (Manawatu), and also provided valuable input into DOC’s new framework for measuring biodiversity.
Impact 3.2 Biofilters to mitigate landfill methane emissions
From 2013, landfill operators will have obligations under the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) for their greenhouse gas emissions. Landfill gas is not collected at 80% of active New Zealand landfills, exposing the operators to a potential total cost of $28m per year (at a CO2e price of $25 per tonne). A low–cost mitigation option is required for many of the smaller landfills where gas combustion to produce electricity is not feasible. We have been investigating the use of methanotrophs (methane–eating bacteria) based on biofilter technology that has successfully consumed about 95% of methane emissions from a dairy farm effluent pond. We have investigated two approaches for mitigating methane emissions from landfills using methanotroph–rich soils. Midway through the 2–year programme the results are looking promising. In particular, our analysis of landfill soils is suggesting an active soil cap biofilter is capable of high and sustained rates of methane removal.
Impact 4.1 More than just sheep: exploring farmer heterogeneity in an agent–based land use model for New Zealand
Agent–based modelling (ABM), the integration of a realistic set of decision makers and their behaviour within a model, has a lot to offer our understanding of changes in New Zealand’s land use. For example, ABM will enable us to better predict the land–use implications of policy and societal changes within the agricultural sector. Using existing information on farmer types, perceptions and motivations, we explored how social changes (such as changes in the rates of succession), economic changes and changes in their information networks can result in spatial changes in land use.
Impact 4.2 Sustainable multi–function management of pests on Māori land
As the number of iwi reaching Waitangi Tribunal settlements with the Crown increases, so too is interest in research to help Māori achieve their economic, cultural and environmental aspirations for their land. We are investing in the development of relevant skills and experience, and the broadening of some long–established relationships with iwi. In this project we are working with the Tūhoe Tuawhenua Trust to help develop an economic model for the sustainable harvest of possums. With strong demand for possum fibre, there is growing interest in the sustainable harvest of possums in accessible areas of forest. Our model will help determine the optimal trapping frequency and trap–line spacing for the sustainable harvest of possums. Iwi want to kill sufficient animals for commercial success and to protect the forest, without jeopardising the long–term sustainability of the operation. Working with full–time possum harvesters and using our extensive information about possum behaviour and control, we are developing a model that considers variations in trapping effort, possum density and economic variables.