Impact 4.2

Sheep (John Hunt).
Best solutions that integrate economic, social, cultural and environmental initiatives for business and industry are effective in maintaining or enhancing their international competitiveness, market access and social licence to operate.
Regulators, sector groups, consumers and communities increasingly expect evidence of sustainable management of land, soil and water resources, and environmental responsibility in the business sector. Through our use of scenario modelling and decision frameworks, underpinned by economic and environmental data, we have enabled more-informed exploration of policy options and management scenarios to better meet the government agenda and community and cultural values.
Landcare Research is TBfree New Zealand’s leading science partner for the management and eradication of TB. A senior staff member was seconded 20% to the agency in an advisory and policy development role (and is now employed by them rather than seconded to them), and two other staff continue as members of TBfree New Zealand’s high level advisory groups. We also contributed to formal revocation reviews for declaring areas free of TB.
Key performance indicator 4.2a: An industry sector (dairy, horticulture or energy) is using a framework for integrating economic, environmental, social and/or cultural drivers to meet community and/or market requirements
Core-funded progress for 2014/15 is reported in the achievements table, particularly under:
Key performance indicator 4.2b: Bovine TB is eradicated by TBfree New Zealand (OSPRI) from vector populations in two extensive forest areas in programmes responding to economic, social, cultural and environmental drivers
Nationally, 1.1 million hectares have now been declared free of TB in wildlife (National Bovine TB Plan Review Consultation Document, June 2015).
Core-funded progress for 2014/15 is reported in the achievements table: