Māori names

The name kōkō is one of many names that the tūī has. There are also 13 other Māori names recorded for this bird species: kōkōtaua; kōkōtea; kōkōuri; kōpūrehe; kouwha; kukari; pikari; pitui; tākaha; takahē; tataki; teoteo; tute. These other names reflect differences in the birds based on sex, region and season.
Māori names distinguish male tūī from females »

The male tūī are bigger and have more vivid plumage than females. In Māori, tute and tākaha are male tūī, and teoteo are female tūī.
Māori names can vary by region »

In Waiapu area (on the East Cape), tataki describes large male birds
Māori names can reflect the flowering season »

In Whakatāne, male and female bird names vary depending on which plants are flowering
Māori names can reflect the fruiting season »

In Whakatāne, male and female bird names vary depending on which plants are fruiting.