Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua


The goldfinch's Latin name (Carduelis carduelis) originates from one of its favourite plants for feeding - the thistle (Genus Carduus). A flock of goldfinches is aptly known as 'a charm'.

Scientific name: Carduelis carduelis
Other names: European goldfinch

New Zealand Status: Introduced
Conservation Status: Naturalised

Where they feed: Ground, shrubs and trees.
What they eat: Seeds, invertebrates

Garden types

Goldfinch are seen in 20-25% of surveyed gardens across the country, being slightly more common in rural than urban gardens. Feeding birds in your garden won't influence your chances of seeing a goldfinch.

Garden location

Goldfinches are most likely to be found in gardens in Northland, Gisborne and Hawke's Bay. They are least likely to be seen in gardens on the West Coast of the South Island.