Compliance, Systems and Service

Image – CMS Team
Our people policies and practices (and those of our subsidiary Enviro-Mark Solutions) comply with ‘good employer’ principles in accordance with section 118 of the Crown Entities Act 2004, but we seek to go well beyond this so that Landcare Research is perceived as an ‘employer of choice’ by our own staff, their colleagues in New Zealand and overseas, and by prospective employees.
Our field work entails many potentially dangerous situations, and laboratories may handle hazardous chemicals and organisms. We maintain certified best–practice systems for health & Safety and continue our commitment to accreditation under ACC Workplace Safety Management Practices.
As expected in a scientific research organisation, we provide a high level of IT service to all staff with equipment and systems updated regularly. A key goal is the provision of ‘anywhere-anytime’ access to all science data and analytical processes, as well as to the company’s operational systems.
A comprehensive manual of workplace policies, guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures is maintained on our staff intranet so that everyone has ready access to this information.
We are supporters of the Public Service Association (PSA)’s Partnerships for Quality approach.
We had no material instances of non–compliance with any good employer legislation during 2014/2015.